Sneaking Suspicions: Michelangelo

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Donatello's POV

So there I was in my lab, working on fixing up a heart-shaped locket when the lights in the lab went out. I grabbed a flashlight and rummaged through my drawers for spare lightbulbs, but I couldn't find any.

Just my luck. I forgot to tell Mikey to get us more when we went out on another birthday gig.

I sat back in my chair, weighing my options in the dark. I could just wait to finish the locket when I tell Mikey to head out for bulbs tomorrow, but I'm almost done with the locket! Mikey usually doesn't come near me when I'm working in the kitchen, and Raph and Leo are probably in their rooms as usual. Hypothetically speaking, if I worked in the kitchen and brought a bunch of scrap materials with me, no one would bat an eye at what I'm making.

I guess that settles it.

I gathered my things in a bag and made my way to the kitchen to finish my work. Mikey was there, playing video games as usual. I could hear the occasional grunt and dull thud of metal falling to the floor in the dojo, so I assumed Raph was going to be busy for another hour or so. I had plenty of time to finish my work before he came barging in.

The locket I had found one night coming back from (Y/N)'s. As I got ready to jump from one rooftop to the next, something flashed in the corner of my eye. I skidded to a halt and looked back where I saw the bright light. When I got closer to the object, I could tell it was made of metal just by how bright the moonlight shone off it. The chain was broken, and the latch on the locket wouldn't shut anymore. There were scratches and scuffs throughout the metal, even some rust forming at the hinges. Somehow, despite its imperfections, it seemed perfect to me.

And here I was, sitting at the kitchen table with a perfectly new chain and a locket ready to be engraved. I wasn't exactly sure what I needed to engrave something, but it couldn't be that hard, right?

I don't even think I got through the first layer of metal by the time Raph came out of the dojo, reeking like sweat and metal. I was beyond stressed at this point - I kept slicing my fingertips with the X-acto knife that I found in the drawer, and my hands were cramping. I would've given up and left it without an engraving, but there was a large slice cut into the back of the locket that was too noticeable to leave unfinished.

I could hear Mikey and Raph talking amongst themselves while I worked, not even bothering to pay attention to what they were saying. I needed to focus and finish this.

A loud whine came from Mikey, pulling me out of my concentration.

"C'mon! You guys are lamer than ever!" He cried.

I sighed, lowering the knife and locket to the table. I heard the fridge open behind me, and I could feel my composure start to leave my body. Why couldn't I just leave this project for tomorrow so I could have some peace to work?

"Mikey, how many times do I have to tell you? I don't have time to be playing games with you. I'm working, and so are you," I replied exasperatedly.  Glancing over my shoulder at Raph, I turned back to my work and mumbled under my breath. "Though I can't say the same for others."

Raph slammed the fridge door shut, causing Mikey and I to jump.

"You wanna keep talking, Four Eyes?" Raph snapped at me.

"I mean what else is there to say? Unlike you, we actually do something with our lives." I argued back at him.

"Don't bring me into this, dude!" Mikey begged from the living room. I rolled my eyes and turned to glare at Mikey.

"It's true, isn't it," I turned back to Raph. "All you do is sleep all day."

"Does it look like I'm sleeping now, tough guy? How about," Raph suddenly lunged at the table, grabbing the locket before I even had a chance to react. "You stop playing Einstein and hit the-"

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