Burning Question: Leonardo

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's been a few weeks since Leo and I confessed to each other, but nothing's really changed. He talks to me like we didn't just tell each other that we liked one another. You'd think that would make him make the first move, but boys are always oblivious. So what was I going to do about it you ask? Make the first move.

I had it all figured out. When we met up again, I was just going to be straight up with him and ask. I wasn't going to put up some big grand gesture only because I know how he'll feel about not being the one to ask me. I might as well be walking around with a giant sticker on my forehead that said "Why won't you ask me out already," but he probably still wouldn't get it.

So the plan was to just be straight up about it and ask. Wait. Was I supposed to ask him to be my boyfriend? Or should I ask him out on a date first? How do people do this? It's so... awkward.

I had a little bit of time to figure it out anyways. I had work today, and he's usually training by the time I got out, so we didn't really make plans to hang out today since we didn't think we'd have the chance to. It made me a little sad if I'm being honest, but thinking about him in general made me feel like a schoolgirl again with my little high school crushes and such. It was a strange way to put it, but I would get these butterflies in my stomach and never stopped smiling when he was around. It was the first time in a long time where I felt this way about anyone.

Regardless of how much he occupied my mind, I kept a sharp focus on my work. I needed this job, so I couldn't risk screwing it up. My job felt like second nature anyways: I greeted customers that came in, guided them through the menu if they were new customers, made their orders, and wished them a good day as they left the counter. It was a simple job, but maybe that's why I liked it so much. Simple and to the point; kind of like how Leo is.

It wasn't long until 5:00 PM rolled around. I switched shifts with the evening worker and waved goodbye to them as I left. It was nice out today, like your typical Sunday afternoon. It was quiet for New York as strange as that might be, but it was peaceful nonetheless.

I strolled down the sidewalk towards home, taking in the light breeze and the sound of birds chirping in the trees above. There were a few people out and about in the neighborhoods, but not many. It was like the weather made everyone else calmer than their usual on-edge selves.

Walking up the steps to my front door, I jiggled my keys into the lock and stepped inside. I lifted my foot to take off my shoe while my hand guided itself to the wall in search of the light switch. The second they flickered on, my heart skipped a beat.

"Welcome home," Leo said with a warm smile on his face. He held two glasses of champagne in his hands as he walked towards me. He handed me one of the glasses as he guided me to the kitchen table where he prepared it for dinner. There were candles in the center of the table that were yet to be lit and trays of food strewn about the counter, still steamy and fresh.

"Leo, what is this?" I asked.

He pulled out a chair for me to sit on. "Just a little something. Care to join me for dinner?"

I smiled and sat down. I watched as he pushed my chair in for me and made his way around the table, setting his glass down by his plate and grabbing one of the trays from the counter.

"For the first course," he said. "I bring to you the finest salad from the local supermarket brought to you by April O'Neil."

I giggled as he scooped some salad onto my plate. He was usually very serious, but seeing his goofy side for a change was always nice.
He scooped some salad onto his plate before setting the tray back onto the counter and making his way back to the table. He then froze for a second before making a u-turn for the counter and pulling out a lighter from one of the drawers.

"I almost forgot about these." He said coolly. He lit the candles quickly and dimmed the lights to the kitchen, giving the already romantic scene some more intimacy.

For the rest of the evening, we spent it laughing and talking about our days. It felt like time sped by like The Flash because it was midnight before we knew it, and we were a bit tipsy- I mean, drunk. We kept giggling to each other over absolutely nothing and couldn't even manage to put the dishes away without almost breaking a glass in the middle of a laughing fit. It was a little bad, but I'd rather it be him with me in this moment than anyone else. I think this was the first time I'd ever seen him drunk, too! It was quite the experience.

We stumbled upstairs, giggling and whispering to each other to be quiet. For who, you may ask? No idea. I live alone. Anyways, I don't know why we were going upstairs when he had movies planned in living room, but I wasn't complaining. Of course, nothing happened. We lied in bed together, laughing at stupid jokes we made and cuddling. It was strange, but not in a bad way. It was the first time we had been so close to each other, so intimate. Maybe now was the perfect time to-

"H-Hey, (Y/N)?" Leo hiccuped.


"Will you... Will youuu be mmm-my girlfriend?"

I pouted. He ruined my plan! Well, it wasn't really a plan like his, but it was a plan nonetheless.

"Yeah." I smiled, burying my head into his plastron. "About t-time you asssked."

He chuckled softly, rubbing my back with his hand as he held me a little tighter.

. . .

I don't remember when I fell asleep, but all I could think about was how lucky I was that I didn't work today. Thankfully, I didn't have a hangover, but I wasn't ready for the mess I had to clean up in the kitchen. I'm not sure when Leo left either because I woke up alone in bed. I don't blame him though because his family doesn't know about us. I could only imagine what excuse he used this time for going home late.

Sitting up in bed, I stretched and yawned. I kicked the bedsheets off to the side as I rolled out of bed and made my way downstairs. I'm not sure how much cleaning there was to do, but I was hoping not too much. I remember bits and pieces of last night because I wasn't entirely drunk, but it was enough to create some hazy memories. I turned on the light to the kitchen and was shocked at what stood before me.

The kitchen looked untouched, like it was the final reveal for Extreme Makeover. The dishes were cleaned and put away, the table was wiped down and spotless. I'm guessing he didn't like the kitchen towels I had before because there were new ones hanging on the oven handle.

Well, they were old and matted down anyways.

There was a note on the refrigerator that was held up by a small turtle magnet. It was a blue piece of notepad paper that read:
"I hope you had a good night's rest. I'm sorry I had to go, but I know you'd understand why. Text me when you wake up, and I'll see you soon. You're welcome for the cleanup by the way. I'll put that on your tab with the dinner.

Your Boyfriend,

Oh, boyfriend? I could get used to the sound of that.

I smiled down at the note, my eyes reading those two words over and over again. I guess it was finally official. Who would've thought?


Hey, everyone! It's about time that I updated. Sorry about that. School got a little crazy this year, but with this pandemic, I finally have the time to update. Anyways, sorry again for the super late update. So thank you guys so much for reading! Leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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