Changing Face: Raphael

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This scenario is inspired by @sparx4frisk


(Y/N)'s POV

"Thank you for calling Winters Corp, this is (Y/N). How can I help you?" I said into the phone like a record player. It was an unusually busy day today at the office. Mr. Winters has been practically barricaded in his office, only coming out to tell me that he's busy and to take a message if anyone calls. He's been "busy" for the past couple months now, actually, but no one knows with what. You would think as his secretary I'd know everything about him: what he's doing for the day, who he's meeting with, and even what he's eating for lunch.

He's become so secretive now that it almost makes this job a bit harder than necessary when I receive phone calls almost daily from people who need to reach him but can't. At this point, I'm running out of excuses as to why Mr. Winters is MIA.

I had to stay an hour later than usual per Mr. Winters' request. He had forgot to given me some files to sort through and shred when he came in this morning, giving me a not-so-sincere apology for his mistake. Even when he spoke to me, his mind was elsewhere.

As if today couldn't get any worse, the train I took back home was stopped, trapping all the passengers inside for another hour and a half for unknown reasons. It was like the world was trying to see how long it could push my buttons before I'd explode. My head was pounding against my skull; my feet ached in the black heels I wore to work today. The train eventually let us off at a random stop, saying something about a hazard in the railway. I didn't know where I was or how far I was from home. The taxi fares were ridiculously high around this time, which I couldn't afford. To make matters worse, the pencil skirt I wore left my skin exposed to the cold night air that I wasn't accounting for on my long walk home.

I could hear whistling and catcalls coming from the bars and alleys I walked past, making me wrap my arms around myself instinctively. A car pulled up to my left, and a man rolled down his window. From the corner of my eye, I could see it was yellow like a taxi, but something told me it wasn't legit.

"You need a ride beautiful?" He called out.

I ignored him and kept it moving. Even a glance at him would be considered an invitation in this day and age.

"Hey," he yelled, this time more agitated. I tried picking up my pace when I felt a large hand grip my arm and forcefully pull me back. A man with missing teeth and a patchy beard stood before me, his face so close I could smell the chewing tobacco stuck in his guns. "I'm talking to you, bitch!"

Headlights centered on us like a spotlight, the familiar rumble of a motorcycle fast approaching. I tried to yank my arm out of the man's grasp as the NightWatcher parked his bike a few feet away from us.

"You talk to ya mother with that mouth, toothless?" Raph taunted.

The man's grip on me tighten. "Mind ya business," he then pulled me closer towards him, trying to force me in the direction of his unmarked taxi. "She hailed me for a ride."

A large chain suddenly wrapped around my waist and pulled me in the opposite direction, practically ripping the man's hand off of me. I was now at Raph's side, his hand gently pushing me behind him as he kept his eyes on the man.

"Actually, she's with me, so unless you wanna beat down," Raph unveiled a shuriken and threw it at the car's front tire. "I suggest ya keep it pushin'."

"My car!" The man cried, running to assess the damage.

I hopped onto the bike and wrapped my arms around his shell as Raph peeled off with a cackle.

"How'd you know where to find me?" I yelled over the sound the motorcycle.

Raph shrugged. "I didn't. I had just left my place to patrol when I saw that bastard grab you, but I didn't know it was you." He changed lanes and turned right into an alleyway to cut traffic. "Why're ya dressed like that anyways? Where's your uh... piercings 'n stuff?"

"I left work really late and the train stopped running for whatever reason." I had forgotten Raph had only ever seen me late at night after I'd long abandoned the corporate attire. I usually found myself styled in mostly black attire, my ears filled with various different piercings in addition to the ones on my nose. My makeup was rather simple in comparison to the smudged eyeliner I kept since the 6th grade.

Raph was silent until we made it back to my apartment. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I looked down at myself when he parked the motorcycle in the alleyway beside my apartment. I guess it was a shock to see me so put together. My (h/c) hair was in a slicked back ponytail. I wore a purple blouse under a black cardigan instead of my typical band t-shirt or black crop top. A few months ago, I told Raph I hated wearing heels but loved platform shoes. The heels I wore now were scuffed and in need of a good cleaning before work tomorrow morning. I was a polar opposite of the girl Raph was used to, so I could see why he didn't recognize me at first.

I pulled my skirt down as I carried my leg over and jumped off the bike. I could feel his eyes on me, watching me through his helmet. I clasped my hands behind my back, looking down at my feet unsure of what to say.

"Are you going to keep staring at me or say something?" I asked, a bit of annoyance present in my voice.

That seemed to shake him out of his thoughts for he nervously cleared his throat and stuttered out something I couldn't understand.

"What?" I asked, taking a step towards him.

"I-I said you look good." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

I could feel a blush creeping onto my face. He's complimented me plenty of times before, so why was he suddenly so shy?

"Really?" I squeaked.

He nodded. "I mean, I like your other goth style, but this," he pointed a finger up and down my figure. "You look... wow."

I giggled, closing the distance between us and standing up on my toes to plant a small kiss on the side of his helmet. Taking his large hand in mine, I opened the side entrance to the apartment building and led him upstairs to my place.


Did I mention Raph's (Y/N) was already like a goth baddie? No? Well now ya know! Raph has a type and that type is goth girls, argue with the wall. Thank you all so much for reading! Leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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