Best Friends & Unfamiliar Feelings: Donatello

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(Y/N)'s POV

Imagine finding out that the guy you'd been talking to online for over a week was actually a giant talking turtle. Yes, it was shocking and did take quite a while to get used to, but that didn't stop me from seeing him. I accepted him for who he was, and he was grateful for that.

We'd text quite often, and he'd visit me while I was home every other day. There he'd ramble about another invention he was working on or would let me ask more questions about his mutation and such. He actually used to study what had turned him into the mutant he was today, but it was stolen by the... Grater? No, that's not his name. I can't remember his name, but it was something along those lines. Anyways, him and his brothers went after the guy to retrieve it, but all traces of the mutagen was lost after they defeated him. All that was left was the canister, which was kept safe on his father's wooden shelf.

Donnie decided that he was through with talking about himself and asked if there was anything interesting going on in my life. Now that I thought about it, there really wasn't. Everyday was the same: wake up, go to work, come home, study, eat, shower, sleep, repeat. There wasn't any excitement in my life at the moment.

"Not at the moment. All I ever do is work." I said as I stuffed a forkful of spaghetti into my mouth.

He nodded in understanding, swirling some noodles around his fork. "How about you take a break then?"

I shrugged and spoke after swallowing the food in my mouth. "I don't know if that's really a good idea. I want to be as prepared as possible for college, you know?"

"But you can't overwork yourself either. It won't help you at all." He took one more bite of his spaghetti and wiped his mouth with a napkin, standing up from the kitchen table and taking his plate to the living room. "C'mon. Take a break for tonight. We can eat and watch a movie."

I stared after him for a moment before smiling and following him. I sat down next to him on the couch with my plate in hand. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, channel surfing until I found 'My Friend Dahmer' playing. I kept the cursor over the movie, showing the movie description to Donnie.

"This one's based on the life of Jeffrey Dahmer. Would you like to watch it?" I asked him.

He read over the movie description quickly, a hint of curiosity present in his eyes as he nodded his head.

I played the movie, and then we sat together on the couch in silence. We had long finished our meals and would often pause the movie to get more snacks. The movie was so intriguing that we went through almost two bowls of popcorn. Well, at least to Donnie it mostly was.

It was a good movie, but I always had problems with finishing them. Somehow I always fell asleep towards the end. I guess that happened again, because I slowly opened my eyes to see the credits rolling on the screen. I covered my mouth with my palm as I yawned, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as well.

Then I heard a loud heartbeat.

It was right up against my ear, so loud and rapid. I looked up at Donnie and realized that I had been lying against his chest - or plastron - this whole time. Blushing, I immediately sat up and cleared my throat awkwardly.

"S-Sorry." I muttered.

He hadn't been looking at me, but he shook his head as a response. "It's alright."

I then watched silently as he stood up from the couch. He grabbed our dirty dishes and made his way towards the kitchen, my concern making me follow him. Donnie set the dishes into the sink and turned on the hot water before soaking a sponge under the running water and soap. He scrubbed away at the dishes as I watched him silently by his side.

"You don't have to wash them." I said.

He shook his head and glanced at me, a small smile on his face. "I know I'm a guest, but it'd be rude of me to not clean up after myself. Besides, you're tired anyways."

I smiled at him and grabbed the plate he had just rinsed from his hands and dried it off with a dish towel. "Let me help you then."

We washed the dishes fairly quickly, and a part of me wished it had taken longer since it was now time for Donnie to head back home. He said it was late and his brothers were probably worried about him. I pulled down the ladder that led to the attic, and we said our goodbyes there.

"Thank you for having me, (Y/N)." He said.

I shook my head and smiled. "Thank you for coming. Goodnight, Donnie."

"Sweet dreams, (Y/N)."

I watched him make his way up the ladder and pull the ladder up behind him, listening carefully for the sound of his footsteps walking towards the attic window and sliding it open. I heard the window shut, and then I was left alone for another night.


Hello! I had a bit of trouble trying to come up with something for Donnie's scenario, but I managed to pull through. Anyways, please leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed this chapter! And I will see you in the next one. Bye!

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