Enchanted: Donatello (Song Fic)

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Inspired by the song Enchanted by Taylor Swift.


Donatello's POV

"C'mon, man! It'll be fun!" Casey said on the other end of the line.

"I don't know. Parties just aren't my thing. Why not invite Mikey if you really want us to go?"

"Mikey's working a party gig tonight for Halloween, and you know Raph doesn't go out anymore like he used to." I heard Casey sigh after a moment of silence. "Listen, no one's gonna suspect you as a mutant turtle since it's a costume party. You can come just as you are! And you're always working and cooped up at home. Raph staying home is already bad enough, but you never going out too ain't healthy. You gotta enjoy life for once. Let loose a little, Don."

I pursed my lips as I thought about what he said. He was right. It wasn't healthy constantly working - literally for 24 hours a day - and never really going outside for a breather. I needed fresh air, some form of socialization with someone other than the people calling for tech support.

"Alright," I finally said. "I'll go."

"Awesome! Party starts at 7:30."

I heard the other end click before setting the phone back on it's cradle.

It was 6:00 now, which meant I had quite a bit of time to waste. Would they mind if I showed up early? Should I bring some snacks or drinks? What do you even do at a Halloween party? Maybe this was a mistake.

Taking a seat in my swivel chair, I leaned back and stared at the ceiling.

I knew I should've cancelled Mikey's gig when I thought about it.

. . .

Time rolled by quickly, and soon I found myself hopping between apartment complexes towards April's and Casey's place. But as I made my way, my mind started to wander.

Would anyone notice that I'm not human if I walked down the sidewalk instead?

It was Halloween after all. Everyone was dressed up in crazy costumes and such, so what if people believed I was just a man in a turtle costume?

A rather realistic turtle costume.

But there was too much to risk. Dismissing the idea altogether, I continued my journey through the rooftops; I made it to their balcony by 7:27 exactly. April was the one who let me in, and I noticed no one had even shown up yet.

"Donnie! I'm so glad you could make it!" April exclaimed as she gave me a hug.

I noticed the blue ribbons in her hair as we hugged, but I was soon able to get a full image of her costume when we parted. She wore a blue dress with white sleeves and red shoes covering her feet.

"Can you guess who I am?" She asked.

I said the first thing that came to mind: "Cinderella?"

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Dorothy. And Casey is my Toto!"

"Your.. what?"

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