Safe Haven: Donatello

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Donatello's POV

It's been a week since I've met (Y/N), and I feel like I've gotten closer to her every second that we talk. I'm comfortable around her, but it hurts knowing that that could all change if she knew who I really was.

We talked about absolutely anything and everything. There was never a dull moment or a need to scramble for something new to talk about with her. Our conversations flowed smoothly, topics of large varieties tying themselves together. One minute we'd be talking about a new invention I'd be working on, and suddenly we'll be discussing conspiracy theories and such. There were times, however, where our conversations turned a bit depressing.

This would usually happen when it was late, most likely when she's tired. The pressure of trying to please her parents got to her a lot, but being the only child in her family and being a little busy with studying and work for making a lot of friends, she felt she had no one to talk to. She'd stuff her feelings in a glass bottle and secure it with a corkscrew, throwing it out to see in hopes that she'd never have to deal with them or someone just might find it and want to help her. She'd cry out for help - for someone to listen - but no one could ever hear her.

Not being able to contain myself, I exited out of my messaging app and dialed her phone number. It rang about three times before a soft voice answered.


She was crying.

"Hey," I said. "I know this is a bit strange and different, but I figured a quick call other than a series of texts could help you feel better."

She let out a laugh and sniffled. "It already has."

I let her talk for the rest of the night, listening as she slowly started to get everything off her chest. The pressure of trying to live up to her parents expectations, always pushing herself to be better, being so hard on herself when she failed. It all reminded me of someone else that I knew.


I pulled myself from my thoughts immediately. "Yes?"

"It's really late, Donnie, so I think I'll be going to sleep. I'm sorry for keeping you up."

I smiled and shook my head. "I didn't even notice the time. I wouldn't mind losing sleep if it meant being here for you."

"Thank you," she said, yawning quietly. "Goodnight, Donnie."

"Sweet dreams, (Y/N)."

. . .

(Y/N) had finished the flyer design, and it came out extremely well. There was so much detail put into it that it was hard to believe that it only took her a couple days to make. Now it was up to me to deliver her money.

Considering I'm a large humanoid turtle that can talk, my best option was to get Casey to deliver the envelope for me. I would follow him and watch from the rooftops to make sure nothing went wrong during the delivery.

Casey yawned loudly, causing my headset to produce feedback and an ear-piercing howl.

"Casey!" I whisper yelled. "You're just supposed to deliver the money, not make me go deaf!"

I heard him chuckle. "Sorry, Don. Now, which number is it?" He asked as he stood in front of a mailbox unit.

"Twelve." I said simply, watching as he nodded and took out the crowbar he hid in his backpack. He jammed the hooked end in a small opening and proceeded to open it, but the crow bar kept slipping out of the opening due to its small size. The crowbar banging against the metal mailbox caused so much noise, I was surprised no one came out to check what was going on.

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