My First Kiss Went a Little Like This: Donatello

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Donatello's POV

"Can you pass me the yellow, Donnie?"

I grabbed the yellow bottle of paint that sat beside me and handed it to (Y/N). "Here ya go!"

"Thanks." She said with a smile.

We both sat side-by-side at the kitchen table each with our miniature easels, canvas boards, and a shared pile of paints and paintbrushes between us. We sat in silence for most of our time together, breaking it every once in a while to ask each other for something to finish our paintings or admire the other's work. I wasn't really that great at art, but if it meant spending time with (Y/N), then call me Picasso. I thought this would be a good way to ease some stress for her and get her mind off of college admissions.

Today was the day where applicants to the School of Visual Arts find out if they were accepted, and (Y/N) had been nervous about it for weeks now. It took everything in me to convince her that her work was good enough to apply. Despite how talented she was, she always looked down on her level of skill and the work she produced. It devastated me just seeing how insecure she was, but it pushed me more to be the moral support she needed.

So here we were, following a Bob Ross painting tutorial while we shared an assortment of fruits, cheeses, meats, and pretzels. I think she called it a charcuterie board? Whatever they were, I really couldn't keep my hands off the grapes. When I compared our canvases, it was clear the lack of skill I had with a paintbrush. (Y/N)'s painting on the other hand was far more amazing than any museum painting I'd seen online. The way she was able to bring so much life to the forest she painted was astounding. The river at the bottom of the canvas felt so alive with the way she painted the light trickling off its surface. The color palette and level of detail alone seemed way more advanced than what was shown in the tutorial we found. It's like she was able to make this painting hers with just a few extra dabs of a paint here and there.

My eyes wandered from her painting to her face, taking note of the intense focus in her eyes, the soft furrow in her brows, and her slightly parted lips. I don't think she realized just how mesmerizing she was, sitting here beside me and so focused on her work. If I could, I'd sit and watch her paint for hours. We would be like Jack and Rose from the Titanic... maybe I wouldn't lay and pose like Rose, but you get my point. Her eyes suddenly jutted in my direction, and I quickly looked away to go back to my painting. Despite her now being my girlfriend, I still found myself becoming extremely flustered around her. I heard a soft giggle escape her lips as I pretended to be lost in mixing paint on my palette.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated on the table, causing us both to freeze and stare at the screen. The notification was an email from the admissions office at SVA. I glanced up at (Y/N)'s face and noticed her wide eyes and clenched jaw as she continued to stare at her phone, not daring to pick it up. I slowly lowered my paintbrush and placed a hand on her shoulder. The gentle touch snapped her out of her daze, and she looked back at me with fear in her eyes, searching for that moment of relief.

"It'll be okay," I said. "No matter what happens, I'll be right with you through every step."

Releasing a long and slow breath, she raised a shaky hand towards her phone and typed in her password. It took her a few attempts due to the nerves, but the phone eventually unlocked and opened up her email app. I got up and stood behind her chair, placing both hands on her shoulders to press my thumbs behind her neck in soft circular motions in an attempt to help her relax. She continued to stare at her inbox for a moment, hesitant to read the email that would determine her future. With an audible gulp, she clicked on the email and yelped in fear, almost throwing the phone across the table as if it bit her. She turned away from it, clamping her hands over her eyes.

"I can't read it!" She yelled.

"Do you want me to read it for you?" I asked, kneeling down beside her. She nodded in response. I stood up and reached over her hunched body to grab the phone. I was just as nervous as her, but I tried my best to hide it. I wanted to see her do great things with her life, and I wasn't sure what I'd do if she didn't get in. I mean, I know I'd be her shoulder to cry on, but it was still a scary thing to consider! Slowly lifting my phone to my face to read, I said the following allowed:

"Dear (Y/N),

After a highly competitive selection process, I would like to congratulate you on your acceptance to-"

(Y/N) jumped out of her chair and into my arms, screaming in excitement before I could even finish reading the email. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up, spinning her around as I cheered with her. All the hard work she'd done thus far finally paid off. I knew she was capable of achieving such greatness, and I could hope was that this would be the sign she needed to keep going and pursue her dreams. As I cheers dwindled down, I slowly set her down on her feet and held her in a tight embrace.

"Congratulations." I said.

"Thank you, Donnie." (Y/N) said. She suddenly wrapped her arms around my neck, and I realized just how close her face was to mine. My face began to burn, forcing me to pull away and turn my back to her. I cleared my throat and apologized, but deep down I wanted to slam my head into a wall and scream. I hated how nervous she made me, but only because it kept me from being able to communicate how I felt. I didn't want her to see me this way.

"Donnie?" (Y/N) called, placing a hand on my shoulder that made me almost jump out of my shell. I hesitantly turned back to face her, praying that the blush on my face wasn't dark enough to notice.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

"Are you gonna kiss me or not?"

It was as if those were the magic words that put my body in a trance. I found myself cupping her face with my hands and planting a gentle kiss onto her lips. For a kiss so subtle and so quick, it felt like forever in my eyes. The way her lips molded together with mine like they were made for me. Her fingers traced down my arms to my hands and sent shivers down my spine. If I ever found out a way to make a time machine, I'd go back to this moment just to relive it again and again. Slowly breaking the kiss, I let out a content sigh and pulled her into a tight embrace.

I really need that time machine.


Almost slipped up with my writing but I found the time to update today! I was so busy moving today and have so much to unpack tomorrow, so I decided to write out this chapter before bed just so I don't leave y'all hanging again! Anyways, y'all know the drill! Please leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I will you see in the next chapter. Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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