My First Kiss Went a Little Like This: Raphael

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Raphael's POV

After recent events, I took it upon myself to start teaching (Y/N) basic self defense in case I wasn't around. I prayed she wouldn't need it, but it was better safe than sorry. As much as she tried to convince me that pepper spray would do the trick, I still wasn't comfortable with allowing her to walk around New York without at least knowing how to throw a punch.

We decided the best place to practice was in her living room since it had the least amount of stuff that could break. I pushed the couch and coffee table towards the kitchen's entrance, creating a large empty space in the room. (Y/N) was a bit weary of the situation despite my promises to protect her, so I had to set a border of pillows around us so she'd feel more comfortable.

We started off with the basics on how to easily maneuver out of someone's grasp. I took hold of her right wrist with a firm grip. "Alright, try to break free." I instructed. Without question, (Y/N) started trying to pry my fingers off of her wrist before shaking her arm furiously after her first attempt failed. She then made the mistake of turning her back to me in an attempt to twist out of my grasp.

"Are ya tryna make it easier for someone to attack you?" I asked. "Rule 1: Never turn your back on a perp. I could've easily knocked you down the second you turned away from me."

I let go of her wrist, and she turned back around to face me with a huff. "I don't see how you think this is remotely fair. You're a mutant and so much stronger than me!"

"Nothing's fair when it comes to life or death." I retorted. I grabbed her wrist again. "The key here is to know your attacker's weak points, which is here," I pointed to my fingers on her wrist. "Not here." I pointed to the back of my hand. "Now, turn your wrist until your thumb meets where my fingertips rest and pulled through my fingers." She slowly repeated my instructions, but I could see her hesitation with using force.

"Don't hesitate. You can't be scared to hurt the bastard!"

"Well, you're not just any bastard, are you?" She grumbled.

"Again!" I grabbed her wrist again, this time with much more pressure than before. She immediately twisted her hand and yanked her hand out of my grip in one swift motion. I nodded in approval, trying to suppress the smile that threatened to creep onto my face. Now wasn't the time for games. I repeated my attack on her again without warning, trying to test her reflexes. I changed the position of my hand and switched wrists randomly to condition her into being quick on her feet. When I felt satisfied with this part of training, I gave her a quick break to rest her wrists before moving on to something else.

(Y/N) sat down and rubbed her slightly red wrists. "Did you have to go so hard on me?" She whined.

"Just trying to prepare ya," I said shortly. After a moment of silence, I clamped my hands together. "Alright, next lesson."

(Y/N) groaned as she stood up. I know I should've been a bit easier on her, but if being hard on her meant she'd be better at defending herself, then I didn't care how pissed she was at me. I took one of the pillows from the floor and held it to my plastron, folded it in half then stuffed it halfway into the front of my belt. I heard a laugh come from (Y/N) as I adjusted my belt.

"What? Scared I'm gonna punch you too hard?" She teased.

"This is more for your protection than mine." I walked over to her and put a tight grip on her both of her wrists once again. "This time, I want you to twist your hands until your thumbs are facing towards the sky, then you wrap your hands over - not under - my wrists, pull me forward, then knee me in the stomach, okay?"

"I don't know about this." (Y/N) said nervously.

"The pillow is gonna make sure your knee doesn't get hurt. Okay, so when ya drive that knee in, keep pulling me forward, but step off to the side so I fall past ya and run."

She gave me a quick nod and planted her feet firmly on the ground. She then twisted her hands to wrap around mine and pulled forward before losing her balance and stumbling into me. We both fell forward onto the floor with a loud thud. I caught myself quickly, careful not to crush her with my weight as she lied beneath me.

"You alright?" I asked.

She nodded her head slowly as she raised a hand to rub the sore spot at the back of her head.

"Good, now try to fight me off."


"You heard me, Songbird! Make this a part of the training, too! Ya failed the first defense, now ya got another chance to fight off the perp again!" I then took this chance to grab her wrists and pin them against the floor over her head. I watched her struggle beneath me, her legs kicking frantically. I held my ground.

"C'mon! You tellin' me that's all ya got? You think some bad guy's gonna go easy on ya? Huh?!" I taunted. I could see the anger and fear start to grow in her eyes, hopelessness starting to settle in. She started bucking her hips, but nothing was working.

"Push me off!" I practically screamed in her face. "Drive through your heels and push!"

(Y/N) growled out of pure rage and took one final push with her hips up, sending me face forward over her head. I lost my grip on her to catch myself from hitting the floor, and that's when she took her chance to flip me over and straddle me. I looked up at her, completely stunned at what just happened. She glared down at me, seething with rage. Her breath was hot and heavy as she sat above me, beads of sweat starting to form along her hairline. There was tension in the air, but she couldn't actually be mad at me, right?

"Woah. Are you tryna kiss me right now?" I teased, trying to lighten the mood. That granted me a punch to the gut as she pushed herself off of me.

I lied there for a moment, mentally beating myself up for pissing her off. I didn't mean to get so out of hand, but thinking of the possibility of (Y/N) getting hurt because I wasn't there to save her just scared the crap out of me. Amidst my thoughts, I stared up at her and sighed. As she stood above me, in her slightly disheveled state, she looked like a goddess. Her ponytail, now loosened, allowed for strands of hair to frame her face so perfectly. The sweat that cascaded down her heaving chest made her body glisten under the living room light. It wasn't until now when I noticed how toned she was, that same light casting down on her like a spotlight and accentuating her physique. I couldn't understand how someone could be so effortlessly beautiful, like something not of this world. Something was brewing inside of me. It felt unfamiliar, but it wasn't exactly foreign to me. I wanted more, like I needed to fill this hunger that lied within me. It made me feel like an animal, and I wasn't afraid to let it out.

I guess (Y/N) noticed me staring because she suddenly reached out her hand for me to take. Before I could even stop myself, I grabbed her hand and pulled her down as I swiftly spun us around so now I straddled her. She opened her mouth to protest, but I slammed my lips against hers. Maybe it was the tension from before that made me a little too aggressive, but all I could think about was how much I wanted her, needed her. I craved her touch and wanted nothing more than to feel her soft lips on mine.

(Y/N) raised her hands to my face and pulled away, leaving the two of us gasping for air that I didn't realize we both lacked. I expected her to hit me again, which wouldn't exactly be unwarranted, but when I looked down at her, I noticed a smirk present on her face.

"Woah! Are you trying to kiss me right now?" She mocked.

I rolled my eyes, unable to suppress the smirk on my face. "C'mere." I growled, diving in for another kiss.


My inspo for the writing this was Shane from TWD when he was yelling at Andrea in the woods. Also hc: Raph can't read a room sometimes, which explains how him and Mikey are related. Also also, I think bc of Raph's lack of control, I think he's more in touch w that animalistic side of him out of all the turtles (totally not bc I wanted to test out writing something a teeny bit spicy for once... jk this is far from spicy this is barely mild smh). Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed reading! Please leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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