I Know Places: Michelangelo (Song Fic)

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Inspired by the song I Know Places by Taylor Swift


Michelangelo's POV

She wondered around the dark alleyways. Lost. Searching. Longingly. Would it be best to turn back now? Should I let go of everything I felt for her now and save her from a life we couldn't possibly have? I'm not so sure how to answer that myself.

"Mikey?" She whispered into the darkness. God, do I love her voice.

I stepped out from behind the dumpster I hid behind and embraced her, feeling her tensed body slowly relax against my plastron. She wrapped her arms around me and sighed.

"Hey. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, sweetie." I said, crouching down a little to rest of chin on the top of her head. She was so short compared to me, but it made her all the more adorable.

"It's okay."

We let go of one another and stared into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity.

"Was it hard sneaking out this time?" She asked after a moment.

I could only assume that she knew the answer from just looking into my eyes, because she frowned and caressed my cheek with her hand.

"You still haven't talked to them?" She sounded disappointed, almost betrayed.

"They wouldn't understand, (Y/N). If they knew, they'd never let me see you. They'd never let this happen!" I said, pointing a finger between the both of us as I spoke.

"How do you know, Mikey? Your father sounds understanding enough to at least give it a cha-"

"(Y/N), he cares more about the safety of our whole family than my own love life. He will never accept us!" I was so angry now, so hurt from my family's pending disapproval that I was practically heaving now. I never liked these talks. I just want to be happy, but at what cost?

We were silent after that. I felt so guilty talking to her like this. I understood where she was coming from. She wanted to be happy with me, too, but I'm being selfish. I'm too scared of the idea of what could happen. I don't want to lose her.

"All I ask," (Y/N) began, her voice shaky. "I just ask that you'd try."

I stared down at her but couldn't bring myself to stare into her eyes.


As we embraced, I couldn't help but feel another pair of eyes on us, watching us from afar. I ignored the feeling and cherished the moment I had with the love of my life.

. . .

I had barely entered the lair when my whole world came to a stop.

"He's been sneaking around with a human!" Leo yelled from the dojo.

I stopped dead in my tracks as the door to the dojo slid open.

They know.

"Michelangelo!" My father exclaimed, slamming his cane down on the tiled floor. "Come here, my son."

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