The First Date: Michelangelo

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(Y/N)'s POV

I had called off from work tonight so I can finally relax for once. Sarah owed me for the last time she called out anyways. It had been a while since I had a full night alone with Mikey, so when he asked if I'd like to go out on a date with him, I immediately jumped on the idea.

I had just gotten out of the shower, my hair still wrapped in a towel when Harper came into my bedroom with a sad look on her face.

"Hey, babes," I said softly, walking towards her and kneeling to her level. "What's the matter?"

She rubbed her stomach and pouted. "I don't feel so good." Before I could even answer, she gagged and bent over, puking all over the carpet. I sighed and stood up, stepping over the vomit and ushering her out of the room and towards the bathroom.

I stayed with her all day, feeding her soup and water, helping her to the bathroom when she needed, and answering to every call when she needed me. She eventually went down for a nap, which gave me time to clean up the mess on my carpet. I was down on my hands and knees for what felt like hours, scrubbing the carpet with hot water and soap vigorously. I didn't even notice the light tapping on my window until I heard the window lock start to jiggle.

My head shot up, and when I saw Mikey standing outside my window with his usual toothy grin, I looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand.

7:00 PM. Fuck!

Rushing to my feet, I ran to the window and slid it up.

"Hey, Sweet Cheeks," he exclaimed as he stepped inside. "You ready to go?"

"No," I said, burying my face in my heads in frustration. "I'm so sorry. Harper was sick this morning, and then she puked all over the carpet, and then I had to take care of her, and I just started on cleaning, and-"

Mikey grabbed me and pulled me to his plastron, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. "Hey, it's okay. It happens. I don't mind helping you out with the lil bugger if you want."

I looked up at him, my arms still wrapped around him tightly. "You really mean that? You're not worried about her seeing you?"

He shook his head at first, then paused almost as if reconsidering the consequences, then shook his head again with a smile. "What's the worse that can happen?"

When Mikey walked into her room and woke her from her nap, Harper immediately started screaming and crying. I hugged her and tried to console her - even Mikey tried, but that just made it worse. I looked at him apologetically, nodding towards the door as a queue for him to go.

He frowned and made his way out into the hallway.

It took a while for Harper to calm down, but with enough promises that the "monster" was gone, hear screams eventually turned to soft sniffles. Laying her back down to go to bed, I crept out of her room and left the door cracked open just a tiny bit before joining Mikey in the living room.

Mikey apologized profusely when he saw me, but I only raised my hand to stop him.

"You don't have to apologize. I should've known it wasn't a good idea, so it's not your fault," I sighed and rubbed my temples. "Maybe tonight wasn't meant to be after all. I'm really sorry I didn't call you sooner to cancel."

"Don't sweat it, dudette. There's always next time!" He tried to reassure me.

I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest. "It's just so hard, y'know? I just get so tired." I could feel the tears start to well up; I looked away so he wouldn't see me cry.

"Hey! Hey, it's okay," Mikey spoke softly. I felt his arms wrap around me as he pushed my head to rest on his plastron. "Mikey's got ya." He rubbed my back as I let the tears fall silently.

"Maybe tonight doesn't have to end this way?"

I looked up at him, which allowed him to gently wipe my tears away with his thumb. "What do you mean?" I sniffled.

"Maybe we can do something here? Do you have any games we can play? Like a board game or something?"

I nodded my head and pulled away from him, pointing towards the TV stand in the living room. I watched him march into the living room and take out various old board games that I had since childhood. He placed a few of them on the coffee table and sat down on the floor, patting the space next to him with a large grin on his face.

We started off by playing Operation and tried to be as quiet as possible, even when it got a bit competitive. When we moved on and started setting up Monopoly, I heard the floor creak in the hallway towards Harper's room. We both paused and looked up in the direction of the noise simultaneously. There, Harper hid half of her body around the corner of the wall, watching us in silence. Mikey scooted away nervously, ready to bolt at any second. I got up and started walking towards her.

"Hey, Harp. Did we wake you?"

She shook her head, never taking her eyes off of the large turtle in our living room. I was at a loss for words, unsure of what to say or do until she spoke again. "Can I play with you?"

I stared at her for a moment then looked back at Mikey. "Um... yeah. You want to play with the both of us?"

She nodded her head and slowly walked towards the coffee table, sitting directly across from Mikey. They both stared at each other in silence for what felt like an eternity.

"Can I be the cat?" She asked, pointing towards the small Monopoly piece. Snapping himself out of his daze, he quickly grabbed the piece and handed it to Harper.

"Sure thing, lil dudette."

I let out a sigh of relief and returned back to the coffee table to help finish setting up our game.


You guys don't know how much I had to read through my own story to even REMEMBER anything about (Y/N)'s backstories. Personally, I still think I got some of the lore wrong, BUT WE MOVE ON! Anyways, leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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