Sneaking Suspicions: Donatello

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Raphael's POV

10... 11... 12.

I racked up the bar at the end of my set and sat up from the bench, rotating my shoulders in a circular motion to stretch my muscles. I had been in the dojo for over an hour now, taking my time with each rep now that I had a chance to workout on my own again. Ever since Leo came out, it's been about "team" this and "team" that. As if we ever were a team before. I couldn't even enjoy a workout alone since every training session felt like a competition with the damned teacher's pet. He's the one who stopped writing to us, so why bother fixing what wasn't broken, huh? We were fine without him!

I grabbed the small towel that laid beside my phone on the floor and wiped the beads of sweat off my forehead.

Remember what (Y/N) said. Inhale. Exhale. I repeated the mantra in my head as I tried to not get myself too worked up over him again. Even when I wasn't with her, she knew how to keep me grounded. I should go see her tonight.

Slipping my phone into my belt and draping the towel around my neck, I walked out into the living room and saw my two younger brothers in their own little worlds. Mikey probably played through that video game more times than I've seen him eat pizza, and that's saying a lot. And there's Donnie with his stupid toys again. That kid needs a real hobby.

"Hey, Raph," Mikey called out to me as I walked by. "You wanna play some Guitar Hero?"

I stopped and stared at the toy guitar he held out to me and looked back at the TV. When we were kids, Mikey and I used to play a bunch of video games together. But then we got older, and some of us grew up and out of our childish ways.

I shook my head and kept it moving towards the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge. As I opened the fridge and peered inside, I heard the kid let out an annoying whine.

"C'mon! You guys are lamer than ever!"

"Mikey, how many times do I have to tell you? I don't have time to be playing games with you. I'm working, and so are you," Donnie replied before muttering under his breath. "Though I can't say the same for others."

There he goes again, trying to act all big shot like he wasn't scared of me. I slammed the fridge door shut and spun around on my heel to face the dork, glaring at him. "You wanna keep talking, Four Eyes?"

"I mean what else is there to say? Unlike you, we actually do something with our lives." Donnie argued back.

"Don't bring me into this, dude!" Mikey begged from the living room.

"It's true, isn't it," Donnie yelled back at Mikey before turning to me again. All you do is sleep all day."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Does it look like I'm sleeping now, tough guy? How about," I reached over Donnie and picked up a piece of his new invention, ready to smash it right in front of him. "You stop playing Einstein and hit the-"

I paused and stared at the piece in my hand. It was shaped like a small heart. I turned it over in my hand and noticed the start of a word carved into the back of the metal, but I couldn't make out what it said.

"Why are you-"

Donnie swiped the piece out of my hand and buried it in the pile of other crap he had laying across the table. "It's nothing!"

The hell is he doing making some kinda lovey dovey shit? Is he still in love with April? She's taken for crying out loud!

I watched him get all flustered and hurriedly pack away his things. What's got his panties in a twist?

Deciding this wasn't fun enough to mess with, I took his soda from the table and made my way upstairs to my room.

Damn nerd.


Ugh. This chapter is way too short for my liking, but I seriously don't know how else to write the same event in 4 different ways. I knew everyone's except Raph's was gonna be simple since theirs kinda extends a bit past the original plot in the living room. Regardless, thank you guys for reading! Please leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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