Safe Haven: Raphael

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(Y/N)'s POV

It seemed like everyday Raphael was popping up at my window with new cuts and bruises, and everyday I'd treat them before sending him off again. Some days he would just stop by and rummage through my kitchen for something to eat, claiming that his empty stomach brought him pain. It was silly, but I always let it slide.

Today was different though.

He came to my window on the brink of consciousness, his helmet scratched and pieces of his suit torn up. His cuts were deep, blood oozing out of some tears in the suit. He sat down on my bed as usual and stripped himself of his gear. I got to work right away by applying pressure on any cuts that appeared to be the worst. One of those cuts was on his bicep, and I pressed a towel firmly against his wound. He hissed in pain as a response.

"Sorry," I said.

He shook his head and kept his eyes on the window. "You're fine. Just warn me next time."

I went about cleaning his wounds for about an hour, disinfecting them thoroughly and wrapping him in bandages. In the midst of all this, we made small talk. He told me of some sort of monster wrecking havoc in a diner. When I asked him to explain further, he sighed and complied.

• • •

I was hanging out on a rooftop, scoping out the city for any sign of trouble when I got something on the police radio.

'Attention all on-duty officers, report of a disturbance on 32nd; no units available.'

'They're playing my song.'

I left the rooftop immediately, driving off to the given location on my bike. Once there, I busted my way through the front door of the diner.

'Don't get up. I'll serve myself.'

Cracking my knuckles as I led myself to the kitchen, I noticed frozen food strewn about the floor and being thrown out of the open freezer. I walked closer and saw a tiny red monster chewing on a piece of frozen meet. Thinking this fight was gonna be easy, I started to taunt it.

'Aw! Look at you! Ain't you cute!'

I stooped down to its level and started clapping my hands to get its attention, using some sort of baby voice while I spoke to it.

'You want a butt kickin', lil fella? Yes, you do! You do!'

I wagged my finger in front of its face, seeing that it was eyeing me now as it chewed on the frozen meat.

'C'mon! I'm gonna drop kick you to Hurty Town! C'mon!'

Then it bit me. I screamed and fell on my back, swinging my arm sporadically to try getting the damn thing off of me. I punched it and slammed it into shelves, but it still wouldn't let go.

'Let go of me ya lil monster!'

I got up and spun about the room as continued to try shaking it off my arm. It then jumped on top of my helmet and wrapped its tail around my visor, completely blocking my vision. Now utterly blind, I managed to stumble into a refrigerator where it decided to open the door and push my head in, slamming the door repeatedly on my helmet.

'AH! You're scratchin' the helmet!'

It then let go of me as I pushed away from the fridge, causing me to fall on my back and roll away. It pounced on me, but I was able to grab it and throw it out the door and into the main dining area. I sat up and held my head in my hand.

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