Burning Question: Michelangelo

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(Y/N)'s POV

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I awoke to the sound of my cellphone going off very early in the morning. I groaned and rolled over in bed, reaching blindly for my phone I thought I had set on my bedside table. Opening my eyes, I saw that my phone wasn't where I had left it last night but across the room on my dresser now.

What the hell?

I crawled out of bed towards the dresser, finally being able to silence my phone and look at who was texting me this much so early in the morning. I unlocked my phone and saw that the guilty party was no one other than Mikey.

    "Okay, I'm up! What's going on?"

He texted back almost immediately.

    "'Sup, cutie? Got a surprise for you! Get your running shoes on because you're going on a hunt today, dudette. ;D"

What was this boy planning? I mean, it's not like I wasn't down for whatever it was this crazy turtle had planned, but it was strange. For once he was able to keep a secret from me for however long he'd been working on this.

"I guess I'd say you're very lucky that Harper's at Angie's again. So, what's this hunt you're talking about?"

There was a pause in how quickly he replied now. What was taking so long?

Suddenly, my alarm clock started blaring.

"What the hell?" I crossed the room and shut it off quickly. It was then that I noticed an orange sticky note stuck to the top of the alarm clock. It read:
"Roses are red. Violets are blue. Run and take a look near one of your shoes."

Furrowing my brows, I scanned the room in search of where I had left my shoes last night. I knelt down by my bed and peeked underneath it, finding my shoes at the very center. I pulled them out from underneath my bed, searching inside and out for another clue. Sure enough, there was another note stuck to the inside of the tongue of my left shoe.

"This is for all the times we've run around your house, laughing and goofing off," I read aloud. "Your next clue can be found in the place you love to eat. Don't forget to take a look under your seat."

Making my way to the kitchen, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of how much effort he put into this. We spent practically everyday together, so how was he able to get away with doing all this without me noticing?

I assumed that the seat he was referring to was the one I always sat at when we ate together, but I was wrong apparently. If not here, then where?

The couch?

I scurried over to the living room and lifted up one of the couch cushions to find another one of Mikey's notes.

"Ha, I bet you thought I meant the kitchen! This is for all the pizza nights and late night movie marathons. Looking for your next direction? Look in a place where you can see your reflection."

There was a mirror in the bathroom. This one was a little bit trickier, but the bathroom mirror was a start at least. When I turned on the light to the bathroom and closed the door behind me, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I knew Mikey wanted me to go on a wild goose chase for kicks and giggles, but I know him too well to know how sneaky yet obvious he could be. Opening the mirror to reveal my medicine cabinet, I found the next clue on my contact lens case. This one read:
"This is for all the times I thought about how beautiful you were but was always too scared to say something. Your treasure won't be hidden anymore. All you have to do is open the door."

"Open the door?" I asked myself. What would be beyond it? I glanced at the doorknob and reached for it with a nervous hand, twisting the brass knob carefully and opening the door slowly. The first thing I saw when I opened the door was large blue eyes behind a bright orange mask. Mikey held up a large poster to me with a cheeky smile on his face. It read:
"(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?"

"Sorry, but I'm not really creative when it comes to posters." He apologized.

I giggled and nodded, practically throwing myself into his arms. Mikey lifted me off the ground as we hugged, all while questioning my decision and doubting this wasn't a dream.

All this time I never knew that I had been waiting for someone like him to come around. He made me feel some type of way that I couldn't describe, but I couldn't get enough of it. He made me forget about all my worries and struggles. Maybe this is what it's like to feel young again.


Hi, everyone! This completes all the boys and how they asked you to be their girlfriends! I'm not sure what I have planned for the next chapter, but I'm thinking maybe a first date. I also have some ideas for some AU scenario chapters, but I'll hold onto those ideas until I get a few more chapters in. Sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter compared to the other boys, but I was reaching for some creative and different ways to ask people out. Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading! Leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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