No Guidance: Raphael

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Raphael's POV

It was late, so I figured I wouldn't catch too much action tonight. Some was better than nothing at least. But I wasn't out catching criminals. Instead I was sitting on one rooftop to the next for hours, watching couples and learning about how the guy acts around his girl. I ain't a creep, but I ain't gonna sit back and watch movies all day. Those movies are cheesy, so why not learn from experiencing situations in real life? Fortunately, I was in my NightWatcher gear, so no one could really spot me from the rooftops at night.

It was a bust so far. I should've known since it was a Saturday night in New York. I was probably on the wrong side of town, but I doubted any of those expensive restaurants would be open this late at night. The clubs and diners were the only places that were alive. There were a lot of drunks, but sometimes I'd catch something worth witnessing.

At one point, there was a drunk couple laughing and whispering to each other as they walked down the sidewalk. The guy even started twirling the girl around, which caused them to break out in this drunken waltz and laugh even more. They got a few rude remarks and stares from people passing them by, but they didn't care.

Is that what a relationship is meant to be like? Carefree?

There was another time where a sober guy was aiding his drunk girlfriend as they walked home. I was a bit weary of the situation at first and kept a closer eye on the guy to make sure he wasn't gonna pull anything funny, but I trusted him a little more as I kept watching. Every once in a while he'd ask if she was okay and sometimes laugh at whatever drunken slur the girl said. She would keep thanking him for taking care of her, but he would brush it off like it was his duty to do that for her. Maybe a relationship wasn't necessarily taking on a protector role, but could it be about the little things you do for someone?

I forgot to say why I was doing this in the first place. I know I mentioned studying how couples acted, but I was doing this for (Y/N). Surprisingly, someone as devilishly handsome as me has never had the chance to date. So, yes, (Y/N) is my first girlfriend; my goal now is to give her more of a reason to stay. That means being more in touch with my soft side and being more emotional and compassionate. The first time I was ever that open with someone was when I asked her out, and I thought I was gonna pass out from the stress and nervousness. I don't want that to last forever, so I thought if I just learned and practiced how to be a good boyfriend then things would work out. Obviously, this isn't gonna be what makes or breaks a relationship, but it'll build a foundation at least.

How else was I supposed to learn? Like I said, I ain't watching those cheesy chick flicks! Besides it's nice outside with the breeze and all that. I can't really feel it with my suit on, but you get the point.

I stood up to stretch my legs for a second when I heard a scream from a few alleys away. My time for studying was over; it's time to kick some ass.


Yo, I'm rolling these chapters out quick tonight! I hope it's not too many uploads at once, but I'm really in a writing mood right now. Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading! Leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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