Chapter 1 - Jamie Strange

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Jamie sat on the bus bench waiting for the 2 pm bus to show. She was gonna be late for work so she texted her boss to let him know.
"Hey, bus running late so be there as soon as I can"
"I give you 5 minutes or else you going to be wrote up"
"What?! You know I can't control the bus!"
"Not my problem. 5 minutes...or else. "
"Screw you! I'm quit!"

"Well, great...another job!"
She didn't know wether to go back home or just spend the day out. She really didn't want to head back so soon. Her roommate would have a cow, plus she didn't want to explain on why she didn't just take the write up.
She didn't have much skills so finding a job that stuck was an issue. No one wanted to hire someone who barely could remember much of who they were or was.
For as long as she could remember, she barely remembered anything about anything. Her brother, Steve told her that she had been in a car accident and hit her head.  But she can't find any info on said crash.  Maybe she is just going crazy. Maybe there isn't anything that people are hiding. She just a looney.
All of a sudden, she got this intense pain that swept through her head.
"Grrr, not again."  She gripped the bench so hard her knuckles were white. "This one hurts way worst than normal"
She tried to keep sitting up and looking as normal as she could. She didn't want to end up in some hospital with wires on her.
Not again.
All of sudden, she felt the urge to throw up from the pain. She made herself get up and run into a random alleyway.
There she threw up and afterwards, leaned against the brick wall. "Ugh this is going to be the death of me...maybe I should just head home"
She gathered up enough strength to push herself off the wall and start walking. She turned the corner and ran into someone.
She wasn't walking very fast but the suddenness of it made her stumble backwards which is turn made her fall onto the sidewalk.
"Oh! I am sorry! I was talking to my brother and didn't see you! A tall gorgeous blonde man was standing in front of her. He has shoulder length hair and even though he was just in a pair of jeans and a shirt, she could tell her was muscular. He was looking down at her with a look of concern but with also a smile.
"Oh no! It was my fault...I came outta no where"
She looked over at the guy standing by him. He was more slender, had dark raven black hair, green eyes, seemed broody and to top it off wore all black. They looked as far from brothers as she did with hers.
He noticed her staring at him then slapped his brother's arm.
"Don't just stare down at her, you oaf them up"
He didn't wait for any reply as he stepped in and reached down to and helped her stand up.
Jamie reached up and grabbed his shoulder for support. All of a sudden, her surroundings changed.
All she could see around her was a long rainbow bridge,  with a huge golden palace on one side and another smaller golden sphere at the other.
"My love, I shouldn't be long...Thor insists I must go with him on this battle. But I will definitely come back home to you"
She looked towards the voice, and it was the same dark haired man that just helped her up.
All of a sudden, a wave of pain went through her head again and then she fell back on her knees.
He helped her back up but kept staring at her. His eyes mixed with confusion and an emotion she couldn't place.
"Did...did you see that too? Who...who are you?" He asked as he kept ahold of her, for worry she fall over again.
" not sure. That has never happened with these headaches before." She now stood upright and took a step back. Out of his reach.
He dropped his arms down to his sides but he still didn't take his eyes off her.
"My name is Jamie Strange...and honestly, I have no idea what that was..first time I've had err visions with these bloody things"
"Wait, what?" The tall blonde now spoke. "I am Thor, and this here is my brother Loki"
You noticed at the mention of your last name, Loki stiffened up his posture some.
"Oh nothing Thor? Was that correct?"
You smiled up at him.
He smiles a heartily smile back. "Yes, wee was!"
"Thanks for the help, I need to get going before my roommate worries"
"Do you need help or anything? We be glad to accompany you"
You look down and blush a little. "Err no I'll be fine. My head feels a lot better I am good"
Loki still hasn't took his eyes off you during this whole ordeal. He almost looks a little to stunned to speak.
You look over at him and smile. "Thank you too for the help. I appreciate it"
Jamie then stepped around them and continued walking towards her apartment.
Thor noticed Loki's expression.  "Whats wrong brother?"
"We need to go see Strange now!" was all he could seeth out.
Loki took off walking towards Dr. Strange's place as Thor ran after him.

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