Chapter 7 - Spitfire

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The next morning Jamie woke up, got dressed and went downstairs into the kitchen.
She grabbed a piece of toast and took a bite. She sat down at the counter.
Dr. Strange walked in and grabbed some coffee. He turned around to face Jamie.
"Hey, how you sleep?"
Jamie just shrugged.  "Alright, I guess. Kept having a weird dream...not sure what to make of it."
"What kinda of dream?"
"Well, I...I..." Jamie fidgeted with the crust of her toast.
Strange came and stood across from the counter and softly spoke.
"I know you have no reason to...but you can trust me. I promise I won't lie to you anymore."
Jamie looked up and stared into his eyes the took a deep breath.
" Loki someone...or was he...someone special to me?"
Strange nodded and took in a deep breath through his nose.
"I think he should explain how himself. That is his right. Just remember, this whole ordeal...everything he did...was to protect you can be mad at me. But show him some slack"
"I just don't get why he didn't talk to me...or hide it from me..."
"Because of Thanos. He didn't want to loose you in that manner, so he lost you in a way he knew he could get you back."
Jamie smiled and took a small bite. "He must have really cared for me....I just wish I didn't break his heart so much."
Around this time, Thor and Loki walked in for some coffee and tea.
"Good Morning Mr. Mischief and Golden Pretty Boy" Jamie said with a smirk.
Loki couldn't help but smirk too as Thor looked at her, shaking his head.
"I don't think that is a suitable nickname...maybe Thunder God?" He gave a huge smile as he took a drink of his coffee.
"Hmmm, nooo I think Pretty Boy suits you just so adorable with your little hammer and cape..."
Loki nearly spit out his tea. He could see that her sass and fire certainly stayed.
Thor just gave her a squint then walked out of the room.
"Oh? What? Was it something I said?"
"Jamie! Be nice to our guests."
"I thought I was being nice"  She said as she shrugged and got off her stool.
She looked over at Loki and smiled.
"I will see you in the training room in 10 minutes Mr. Charming...don't leave me hanging!!"
Jamie headed towards her room to go get dressed.
Dr. Strange chucked and took a sip of his tea.
"Has she always been this....."
"Fiesty? Sassy? Firey?" Loki asked as he smiled huge and looked up at Strange.
"Yes...those are a few words to describe her haha"
"Yes, she always has. I love it. Doesn't let anyone or anything get in her way. Honestly, one of the reason I fell for her. She didn't let me get by with anything.  I missed that spitfire!"
Loki put his cup in the sink. "Now excuse me...I have a butt whipping to get to haha"
Strange just smirked as he watched Loki walk out towards the training room.

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