Chapter 8 - Focus

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Loki walked into the training room and noticed Jamie was messing around with a couple of daggers. He leaned on the door frame, watching her.
Jamie was randomly hitting the make shift target.
She hit the target head on, then turned around and slashed it...then turn back around, flipped her dagger and then stabbed it again.
"You know, this works better when you helping me...not just admiring me"
She turned and smirked at Loki.
"I didn't want to get stabbed" He joked as he started walking towards her.
"You aren't on that list....yet" She said as she turned and hit the target again. "But if you feel the need, I can gladly add you"
"I don't think that be necessary, but give me time..I am sure I'll make the list."
Loki used his magic to change into his battle suit.
"Damn! Green definitely is his color" Jamie thought to herself...and went to go hit the target but missed.
She shook her head to get herself out of her thoughts and looked towards him.
"You got good form, but you need learn how to focus it"
"Did my brother not tell you anything?  I stab first then ask questions" She said sarcastically as she mindlessly rolled one dagger in her hand.
"I understand more than you know. But that could get you killed or worst" Loki quickly faced away so she couldn't see the pain in his eyes.
She had already noticed but didn't want to say anything to him. She didn't want him to feel obligated to tell her.
She cleared her throat and walked back over towards the target.
"Care to show me how to focus it? I...I am just so angry at this whole thing. Want to find a good way to use it"
Loki recomposed himself and turned back around towards her.
"Yeah, I can. Even if you are angry at me..."
"You? Not so much...I'm more confused than angry with you. My brother on the other hand." She stabbed the target with freciousness and sighed.
Loki walked behind her and gently grabbed her arm.
"When you go up against someone, try to take emotions out of it. Least while you are fighting. They will make your strikes be rash and all over.  Focus on the point and keep your head clear...then attack"
He guided her as she did the motions. They did the motions a few times, then he let go.
Jamie did the motions a few times then she studied for a moment and stabbed the target with fierceness and on point.
She looked up and smiled. "That felt great!"
Loki laughed. "Just imagine when all your hits are on point"
"Oooo that would be amazing!" She flipped her dagger in her hand and laughed.

They practiced some more moves for a few hours.

While they was training, Dr Strange was talking with Tony and Steve.
"What makes you think we can trust them?"
Tony asked. "You know what Loki did in New do we know he won't turn her..."

During this exchange, Loki and Jamie walked into the room, talking.
Loki looked up and saw them both and stopped dead.
Jamie noticed and looked up. She linked arms with Loki and looked at him.
"Don't worry about them..if need be, I'll deal with them."
They walked in and continued towards the kitchen as everyone looked at them.
"Seems like we are to late"  Steve said as he sat on the corner of the desk with his arms folded.
Jamie stopped in her tracks and tensed up her arm. Loki felt it and tried to keep leading her into the kitchen.
"He isn't worth it. Trust me. Come let's get some lunch"
He went to walk forward and he over heard Steve again.
"See, she can't even talk to us...he is already using his mind control to mess with her...just like he did..."
Jamie whipped around and headed towards Steve.
"Fuck...well, this is going to be interesting..." Loki thought as he followed her.

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