Chapter 19 - Bring my husband home

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Ryra shifts some in her sleep, making Steve raise up and check on her.
"Any change?" Thor asked from the doorway. "I shouldn't have left her. Thank you for getting her to safety." He kept his eyes focused on Ryra.
Steve stood up and came to stand by Thor.
"No change much.  She is moving around a lot more and she's called out twice now for Loki. They sound like she's in distress. But this is not your fault. This is Thanos. We know how ruthless he is.  You was also protecting her."
He gently slapped Thor on his shoulder. "Do you mind if I sit with her for a while?"
"No, was just about to ask myself. Come get us if anything changes."
Steve walked out of the room and closed the door.
Thor walked to the side of her bed and grabbed her hand.
"I am so sorry little one. I didn't mean to leave you!"
All of a sudden, Ryra grabbed his hand and woke up in a panic!
'Thor?! Where is Loki?! Where is he?!"
She tried to stand up but fell back down weak.
Thor helped her sit back on the side of the bed and sat next to her.
"He went to help you and I haven't seen him since." Thor said with sadness in his voice.
"Wait? All that was real? Oh no!"
Ryra jumped up and instantly fell forward.  Thor caught her just in time and scooped her up bridal style.
"Here...let's go to the rest, we can talk and figure out how to get him back!"
Ryra just nodded and tried to hold back some tears.
Thor bought Ryra into the living room, where everyone was sitting and talking. He gently put her on the couch.

Dr. Strange sat on the coffee table in front of her.
" doing okay?" He asked softly as he helped her fluff a pillow.
"I...I not sure. Loki...he...stayed behind..I was hoping I was dreaming but Thor confirmed my fears"
"What do you mean stayed behind?"  Tony asked as he came from behind a monitor.
"I had one of my headaches and I was at Thanos' throne. He said I was his and when I told him go to hell he told me that if I didn't listen it would get messy and show me how he had Loki. One of his goons had him so I shot blasts at both and got us away but he found us. Loki pushed me aside and told me to go as he was dealing with Thanos. I didn't want to but something brought me back. "
Ryra bought he knees up to her chest. "I didn't want to leave him behind....we got to help him! Please!"

"We got you and we here to help!" Steve said as he leaned against the wall. "I'm sorry for how I've been but if you have us..we here to help"
Ryra nodded towards him. "Thank you and you are forgiven...thank you for helping me and watching over me. And you're right, Loki didn't marry a weak person so let's go get this son of a bitch and bring my husband home!"

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