Chapter 11 - I am Ryra?!

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Jamie walked into her room and sat on the side of her bed.
"I thought I could trust him..." She said to herself.
"I didn't want you to hate me." A low voice spoke up from the doorway.
She looked up and saw Loki standing there. She quickly wiped her cheeks and eyes.
"This is my life. I deserve to know what is going on. Every little part. ....." She closed her eyes and tried to calm down. "I can understand your side but what I don't understand is...why didn't you ever tell me anything...just say you won't let him hurt me...yet right now, the only ones hurting me is you two."
Loki sighed and slowly walked into the room. He sat next to her and stared at the ground.
"Honestly, I...I wasn't sure how to even bring it up..and I know you was going to be mad..and I was being selfish...because I know the truth is going to make you not want to talk to me...and I lost you once...I don't know if I can bear to loose you again..."
Jamie's eyes opened and widen.
" I...I am her...I am Ryra?!"
Jamie quickly stood up and walked towards the door.
"Please...please don't leave. Can we talk at least? Then I will go."
Loki looked up at her pleading.
"Why should I? You've been lying...pretending you liked me...but you just trying to get your precious Ryra was never about me..."
"No! I do...I do like you...that's why I didn't push...yes, you are her. But I did it so Thanos wouldn't find you. "
"Oh well, that worked great! Thanks!"
Loki stood up and looked her in the eyes.
"You can be mad all you want, but this ...was way better than the alternative...even though I lost you anyways..I'll see myself out. I will have my brother or yours continue your training."
With that, he walked past her and out the door as quickly as he could. He didn't want her to see him falling apart.

She felt a twang of guilt watching him leave. She knew she was being harsh at the end but she couldn't help being angry.
"He must've really loved me...but why didn't he include me in his decision..."
Jamie sighed and went to go after him.

Dr. Strange and Thor was talking in the foyer as Loki came walking briskly by.
"Brother! What's wrong?" Thor grabbed his arm.
Loki shook him off and stood with his back turned. " her the best you can...I'll..she...doesn't..."
"Please...stay...I don't hate you. I am just angry...I need you."
Her voice was near breaking and he tried so hard not to break himself.

Thor looked back at Dr. Strange, confused. "Um, I think it's best if we just go see them ourselves for now Thor. Let's go."
Strange walked next to Jamie.
"Remember what I said, if you need to be angry...aim it at me. Let him explain...and work with him. Please sis."
Jamie nodded and smiled some.
Thor and Dr. Strange headed out leaving the two of them standing alone.

Jamie fidgeted with her hands.
"I am sorry I got that upset. I just...was shocked. I have a few questions though..."
Loki turned to face her but still didn't look her in the face.
"I will answer anything you ask. I promise. I am so sorry..."
She noticed tears on his cheek as she walked up to him and gently reached down and grabbed his hand.
"You got nothing to be sorry about, I know why you did it. I just want to know...why didn't you talk to me first? We could have defeated Thanos together..."
Loki looked into her eyes and then closed his eyes.
"Because I felt this would be easier than to loose you in battle. I couldn't fathom loosing you completely. This way...I could bring you back to me..."
"I could have still talked to me...I have a say so too. "
"I know...I know...please forgive me? Can we go sit and talk? Work some of this out?"
Jamie let go of his hand. "Sure, want some tea?"
She headed towards the kitchen as he followed her.

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