Chapter 9 - Excuse Me?!

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Jamie walked over to where the three were standing.
"Excuse me? What did you just say?"
Tony took a step forward and started to answer.
"I think he was..."
Jamie cut him off but didn't take her eyes off Steve.
"No one asked you Scrap Iron!! I was talking to Captain Princess I'll ask!"
Loki smirked as he walked up next to Dr. Strange.
"Are you gonna stop her?" Strange looked over at Loki.
"No, I am not. She can handle herself."
"I said that he would turn you against us. He is a monster and a threat to anyone he is around." Steve said as he walked over to be in front of Jamie.
Jamie just smirked then slapped Steve hard across the face!
Steve stumbled back some and walked towards her.
Loki was suddenly next to her with his hand glowing green.
"Might want to choose your next move wisely captain" he snarled.
Tony ran over and pushed Steve back some.
Jamie chuckled.  "Awww is scrappy having flashbacks? I would love to see a replay of you flying out the window"
She took a step forward towards both of them.
"Next time you want to open your mouth up about Loki...I won't be so nice. Having a hand print on your cheek would be the least of your worries"
Jamie walked off towards the kitchen.  Loki relaxed his hand and then followed her into the kitchen.
He stopped in front of Strange before he continued.
"If I was you, I would make sure they are gone once we finish lunch. I will not now or ever stand her way when she is defending us."
Loki headed into the kitchen leaving the three of them to their own devices.

Tony let go of Steve and came by Dr. Strange. 
"She sure is a spitfire eh? No wonder he fell for her."
"I warned you both. Now that she is learning her true self she is more loyal to him than anyone else. But from what I noticed, she already decided that regardless of who she or he was."
Strange walked towards the kitchen.
"If you two value your limbs, I would suggest leaving. We can finish this at a later date."
He disappeared as he walked into the kitchen.

Steve sighed heavily as he rubbed his jaw.
"We seriously just going to let him seduce her like this? She needs to know she has a choice...doesn't have to follow him around like a puppy. "
Tony looked back and laughed. 
"She hit you hard didn't she?!" He raised an eyebrow.
"She definitely isn't being seduced. She is the GODDESS of Mischief...I think if anyone was was definitely Rock of Ages.."
They headed back to the Avengers tower.

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