Chapter 18 - Thanos' Children

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Corvus Glaive sent down Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian to distract the Avengers.
Everyone was in the main living room, talking
"Okay? So how do you plan on defeating him once we get to that point?" Tony asked as he was scanning the monitor.
"We was thinking of doing teams of 3? Drop each team in a selected location and have the element of surprise..."  Captain America was explaining when he heard Ryra yell out in pain.

"Ahhhh noooo" Ryra fell down as she grabbed the sides of her head.
Thor came rushing to her side. "Come can do can fight him...."

"One does not fight Thanos. You surrender and become his children ready to do his bidding" an eerie voice came from the door.
Everyone looked up and saw Ebony standing there.
"Who are you Squidward? No one is surrending to Thanos today!"
"Do you think he is simply going to let her just go? She is his and she will belong to him."
"She is going no where with you!" Thor said as he ran towards him with Mjölnir but Cull sent him flying back through the side wall.
Tony and Dr. Strange geared up to fight as Steve grabbed Ryra and headed towards the lair.
He sat her down gently in a chair and went to shut the door.
Ryra grabbed his arm.
"Please....please don't leave...I can't do this..."
Steve knelt down in front of her and had her focus on him.
"Yes! You can! I don't know Loki very well. But I do know he wouldn't be with a weak person. You are the strongest one here...and yes, I am including myself in that. "
He smiled softly at her as she laughed. "Haha thanks! I just.....owwwww" Ryra passed out some and Steve laid her gently on the floor.

Ryra is standing on a rock formation again...with open apace all around her and a golden throne off to one side.

"I told you I would have you my dear"  Thanos said as he decended the stairs from his throne.
"And I told you to go to hell!" Ryra snapped back.
"You need to be careful. You wouldn't want him to perish now would you?"
Thanos smiled and nodded to the side. Ryra looked over and saw Loki being held by Proxima Midnight.
"Ryra!!! Don't you dare hurt her!" Loki fought against Proxima trying to get to Ryra.
Thanos stood between the two and turned his back towards Loki and faced Ryra.
"I will let him go as long as you come with me! Otherwise this whole ordeal is going to become messy my child."
I am not your child! And my answer is still go to hell Barney!"
Ryra shot two blasts. One hitting Thanos in the face temporarily blinding him and the other at Proxima, who dove out of the way before it hit her.
She then teleported to Loki.."Hang on tight love" and teleported them to a random place away from them.
"I see your magic becoming stronger dear"
"I learned from the best!" Ryra smiled but then she grabbed her head...
"Ugh I've gotta wake up...he will kill us both here in his realm!"

Steve is kneeling next to Ryra trying to wake her up.
"Come on! Please! Wake up!"
Tony and Strange walk into the room, outta breath and slightly beaten up.
"What happened?" Strange asked as he rushed to Steve's side.
She had one of her headaches and then she passed out. She's been out for a good 30 minutes now."
"Come on...let's take her to her room...get her comfortable for when she wakes up."
Steve gently picked her up and followed Strange to her room. He laid her down and made her comfortable.
"What are we going to tell Loki? He is going to go crazy."
"Let's see if she wakes up on her own...and go from there. I've gotta make a few calls.  I'll be back."
Strange walked out the door back to his lair.
Steve sat down next to Ryra's bed, watching over her.

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