Chapter 14 - That's my girl!

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Jamie had been out shopping all day and now she was starving so she decided to head to the cafe around the corner.
She got a table and sat down. She noticed a man walking up out of the corner of her eye but she kept her face in the menu.
"You should try the club sandwich, it's pretty decent" He said as he sat down at her table.
"I don't recall saying you could sit down let alone talk to me" She put down the menu and looked him in the eyes.
Steve cleared his throat then averted his gaze some.
"We got off on the wrong foot. No, I didn't follow you here. I saw you walk to your table as I was sitting over there" He pointed at a nearby table. 
"I figured I should clear the air, if we going to eventually be fighting the same fight."
Jamie leaned forward and crossed her arms.
"I don't need anything from you. Help with Thanos or don't.  It's up to you and Build a Robot...either way, I got this."
"Even if Loki is the cause of why you have to fight him. He is a bad man.  You can't trust him"
"Oh and I can trust you!?... you trying to cause a rift, when he has already told me what happened and the whys. "
"So he told you he tried to take over Earth and enslave most of New York?"
Jamie shook her head. "Why can't you understand that I will never see him like you do! I just hope you never have any friends get brain washed and do bad things for a bad person...because heaven forbid you show any mercy...everything so black and white in your little world...but soon you will see how it all really is. Now I advise you get up and walk away, before I make you!"
Jamie picked up her menu as Steve got up and turned to walk away, she then looked up at him.
"One more thing Steve. You ever bad mouth Loki again, there will be consequences.  I don't care who or what is going on. Now go along and go play."
Steve gulped a tad and walked towards the exit.

Meanwhile in Asgard, Loki and Thor are sitting around the table with Sif, Fandral and Heimdall.
"Do guys want to help us when we got to fight?" Thor looked between his friends.
"I know we haven't seen eye to eye, but I would appreciate the help for Ryra'  Loki shook his leg as he awaited their answers.
"We would gladly help Lady Ryra!"  Fandral smiled then playfully slapped Loki on the back. "She is the only one who can keep you in line!"
The whole table gave a small chuckle as all of a sudden Heimdall laughed out loud.
"I don't know if she needs all of us...she can still handle herself and those around her"
Loki looked worried as he stood up "what did you see?!"
"Nothing to be concerned with.  Just know that she has your back even in this Jamie form. She already is very loyal"
Loki couldn't help but smile as he relaxed. "That's my girl!"

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