Chapter 17 - Just two kids in love...

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The next few weeks went by in a blur. Everyone had been training to get into shape and Jamie and Loki spent most of it trying to get reacquainted.

"These past few weeks have been nice, thank you for a redo of our first date!"
Ryra smiled as she leaned back more into Loki's arms.
"You're welcome! And I must say, this picnic has been amazing! Who knew you could cook?' She giggled.
"Hey! My mom taught me well thank you..." He laughed and then poked her in the side.
Ryra moved to the side to avoid his poke and laughed.
"Don't you dare! That's my ticklish spot!"
"Oh really?!" Loki smirked and gave her a mischievous grin.
Ryra turned around..."Don' dare..." She backed away from him.
"But my pet, you gave me valuable information...I must use it..." He started crawling towards her she kept backing up, until she fell backwards...
Loki smirked again and poked her in the side.
"Ahhhh nooooo!" She squirmed he started poking her faster.
"There is no way to stop this my love...must endure my wrath" He went to poke her again but she grabbed his hand.
"Oh I know I can stop it! You're wrath doesn't stand a chance against my charm"
"Oh is that so? What can you possibly..."
Ryra cuts him off by pulling him down and giving him a long drawn out kiss. 
Loki pulls back, smirking and looks down at her.
"That is cheating darling but I'll glad accept it!'
"Then come here!" Ryra pulls him back down as their lips collided again.
They spent the next few minutes kissing and holding each other.
'I love you Ryra Laufeyson! I always will, with everything I have and nothing will tear us apart!"
Ryra smiled up at him and ran her hand through his hair.
"I love you too Mr. Laufeyson! You've shown me just how much..I mean to you...with everything going on...thank you for everything...and for not giving up on me..on us!"
"You are my whole universe Ryra, I could never give up on you...or us."
He laid down next to her as she laid her head on his chest.
"I could hold you forever!" Loki said as he played with her hair.
They spent the next few hours just laying around, talking and goofing off.

"They look cozy, my lord. She seems to not be phased by what happened."
"For now...but soon, I'll have her right where I want her...and he won't be able to stop it!"
Thanos gave a deep heartily but eerie laugh. 
"Tell your men to be ready. We will soon fight!"
"As you wish sir"  Corvus Glaive said as.he nodded and headed to rally his men.

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