Chapter 16 - Ryra

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The next morning Jamie walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee.
"Good morning sis!" Strange said as he laid down the newspaper he was reading.
"Yea I've got a question..."
Jamie leaned against the counter holding her cup with both hands.
"You okay? Date not go well? And ask away.." He looked at her worried.
"It went....good for the most part...until he.."
She shakes her head and thought for the moment. 
"What if....I decide to not fight Thanos? If I say no to this whole Ryra situation?"
"Honestly? It would mean he would eventually get inside your head enough to either use you, or kill you." Strange said with panic in his voice.  "What happened? Did Loki do something? "
"Yes and's not something we can't work out...just wondering if it's worth the trouble. I need to go hit something...if Loki comes, let him know I'm in the training area"
She put her cup in the sink and walked out towards the training arena.

A few minutes later, Jamie is attacking the make shift target with her daggers as Loki walks into the room.
"You're late!" She sharply said as she stabbed the bag.
"Sorry. I got caught up doing something that took longer than expected."
"Whatever..I can probably just do this myself as I can't be trusted" She whipped herself around in a half circle and threw the daggers into the target.
Loki was both scared and impressed.
"Look..I know I messed up last night..."
Jamie shot off an energy blast at his feet.
"No! You pretty told me that I can't think on my own and just follow anyone...."
"I didn't mean it like's just I know he's been pushing that I'm a bad guy anytime he sees you...sorry for being concerned..."
Jamie shot another blast at him and hit his shoulder enough it knocked him back some.
"Noo concerned would be talking to me .. not assuming I would just believe Mr. Glory Pants" She goes to shoot another blast but gets knocked back.
"Stop shooting at me!" Loki seethed as he readies another shot.
"Make me!" Jamie narrowed her eyes and her hands started glowing green.
"Gladly!" Loki shoots a blast and it knocks her down to one knee.
Jamie instantly stands up and shoots one back hitting him in the stomach backing him up into a wall. She then throws a dagger at him but he catches it right before it hits him.
"Almost my pet, but not today!"
Loki used shadow play to grab her and hold her still. He walks up in front of her.
"Just stop and listen! Okay! I am sorry.. "
Jamie fights against the shadows, closes her eyes then emits a pulse that breaks her free. She walked up to him hastily and backed Loki to a wall.
She was inches from him. "No! You listen! I love you Loki Laufeyson...and nothing or no one will change my mind...and to prove it to you..."
She walked up closer to him, grabbed him by his belt and pulled him in...locked eyes with him, then gave him a long drawn out kiss.
She pulled back smirking. Loki instantly grabbed her back, with one hand on her waist and the other on the back of her head, giving her another long drawn out kiss.
While they was kissing, a green mist surrounded them and it pulsated out around them, shaking everything in the whole house.
They pulled back from each other but didn't move.
"What was that?" Jamie asked as Dr. Strange, Steve and Tony came running into the training area.
Loki didn't take his eyes off hers. "That my love was you coming back to me...your full powers have been restored and soon your memories will be too. The more we 'connect' the stronger they get. "
"So wait, all I had to do was kiss you to get them back?!?"
"Not just that. We needed to connect on an emotional level. One that only us could share so when it happened, I would know it was the right time."

Tony looked over at Steve and Strange.
"Looks like we got to get a plan in place sooner than we planned.
Steve grabbed Tony's arm.  "We need to have an escape..."
He was cut off by Jamie sending a blast at his feet.
"Do I need to remind you of my promise, Captain?"
Steve nodded no and put a little space between them.
"She called you by your actual name, she's serious. " Strange looked at Steve and lightly smirked. 
"I don't know about you, but I am going to let them tell me how they plan on dealing with Thanos!"

Across the room, Loki is looking loving at Ryra.
"Oh how I have missed you, my pet!"
Ryra caresses his cheek. "Thank you for not giving up on us...and keeping me safe, My God"
She smiled up at him as he leans down and they embrace each other again. 

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