Chapter 15 - The "First" Date

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Loki showed up to Dr. Strange's house around 7 o'clock.  He was wearing black jeans with a black buttoned up shirt. He nervously knocked on the door.
He pushed some stray strands of hair behind his ear and adjusted the flowers in his hand.
Jamie went to the door, smoothed out her strapless emerald dress before opening it up.
She opened the door, smiled and looked Loki up and down.
"Wow! You clean up nicely! I love the outfit..definitely you!"
Loki gave a low chuckle and looked down
"Erm, thanks haha you look absolutely ravishing darling! Green is definitely your color! Here I got you these"
He grinned as he handed her the flowers he had.
"Oh wow! These are gorgeous! Thank you!"
She shut the door behind her and stood next to Loki.
"So tell me, where did you take me to try to charm me into liking you?" She giggled.
"Hang on tight my dear!" Loki said as he extended his arm
Jamie held one arm around his neck and the other around his waist.
"Oh he smells good too...damn I'm definitely in trouble!"
Loki wrapped his arm tightly around her as he laughed.
"Heimdall! We're ready!"
They both got brought up through the Bifrost. Jamie watched as they was so amazing.
As they reached Asgard, they let go of each other.
"We definitely gotta do that again..." Jamie laughed.
"Welcome to Asgard Jamie Strange!" Heimdall said as he stepped out from his sword and bowed.
"Glad to see you well!"
Jamie smiled and nodded towards Heimdall. Loki held out his arm and she took it.  They started walking down the rainbow bridge.

"Wow, this place is beautiful!! You .....we lived here?!" Jamie asked all we excited.
"Yes, we lived in the big Golden palace up there" Loki points ahead of them.  "And this small garden area right here was our first date" He motioned with his hand to a laid out picnic with all the fixings.
"It's perfect! I love it!" She said as she smiled and gently squeezed his arm.

They sat down and Jamie was still looking around her in awe.
"So I've gotta ask. What did you say to make me say yes to all this?  I mean from when we first talked I clearly was above this haha so what changed?"
"Pity, mostly haha but no, I was having a bad day...been arguing with most of everyone...and you decided to try to help, I.. I have a hard time letting people past the facade so I tried to act all tough and set up an illusion.  You quickly saw right through it and told me so and stayed. I never had anyone see through them and I let my guard down...we talked, like actually talked...and we was more alike than we figured.  But before the day was over, you had asked me out but said I had to plan it and see what I come up with to see if I was serious enough about it all."

Jamie thought for a moment and smiled huge.
"That was when you showed me the fireworks and I was watching them and turned around into our first kiss!!! I was hoping you would do it just never thought it would make me melt." She giggled and looked down at the blanket.
Loki got closer to her and looked quizzically at her.
"You...wait, you remember?"
"It's a little hazy but yes, something about this place makes me want to reminisce and all these thoughts come by..slowly but they are there.  I am sorry it's taking a while."
"Never apologize for that my dear. As long as you coming back in some form, I will wait forever for you!"
They sat staring at each other. Loki desperately wanted to kiss her, but he wasn't sure if it would bring back to much to soon.
Jamie noticed his expression and grabbed his hand.
"Tell me more, please. I will come back to you. It will just take a little bit so please don't give up on me!" She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as Loki relaxed.
"I won't ever give up on you, my dear!"
" can we eat? Im starving haha"
They both laughed, ate and talked then spent a few hours staring at the stars.
"I should get you back home before your brother starts to worry."
"I got a confession.  I didn't tell him who the date was with.  Him and his avenger friends are so set on ...." She trailed off.
"Set on what?"
Jamie closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"So set on you are a monster. But....I know you aren't.  I never ever thought of you that way...even before I knew who I was."
"But why lie to them?  If you don't care or ashamed..why lie?!" Loki backed away a little.
"Hey! Don't do that! I never once was don't even start....I didn't want the night to be ruined...wanted to do something for myself..something that made sense to me...and not have everyone intervene. I wanted this night to be perfect and not in my brother's shadow...but everyone has to have a God damn opinion"
All of a sudden a energy blast shot off from around her as she started to breath normal again.
"I thought you was ready for this...I didn't mean to push..."
"You didn't push anything...I wanted this date.. being Ryra or not...I know who you really are..."
"Yeah until Mr. America convinces you otherwise...I'm not gonna wait for that...
Jamie stumbled back, to be honest, she was a little hurt but more mad because he seemed to not have enough faith in her.
"If you can't trust me now, how are you ever gonna trust me when she comes back..I think you need to take me home..."
Loki soften his gaze and looked up at her, with regret in his eyes.
"Jamie, I didn't mean...." He went to step forward towards her as she stepped back.
"No, don't! I want to go home...please..."
Loki sighed dejectedly and just nodded ok towards her.
A few minutes later, they was standing at her front door.
Jamie went to turn the knob but hesitated.  She turned around to face Loki.
"If I am really her, you must trust the fact that I see you unlike anyone else and I am capable of making up my own mind and not be persuaded by those who only see things one way. I'll see you tomorrow for training..."
Jamie walked inside before Loki could even speak.
"Damn it!" He scolded himself as he walked down the steps.

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