Chapter 12 - Warning shot

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Jamie and Loki walked into the kitchen. Jamie got out two cups, placed a tea bag in each then started the water.
She turned around to face Loki as the water was heating up.
"Should we start at the beginning? So then I know more about me...about us..and then what happened"
Loki nodded.
"What would you to know my dear?"
Jamie smiled softly and sat down in front of him.
"How did we meet?"
Loki couldn't help but smile and laugh a little.
"Well, truth be told, you couldn't stand me at first.  We met in our home city of Asgard.  Your mom was friends with my mom. You decided to come to along when they had their brunch.
You got bored of their talk so decided to roam the castle and came into the buffet room where me, Thor and his 3 friends was sitting and talking. Thor was instantly smitten, as was I, but he decided to try to show off for you.
You was not at all interested.  You shook your head, called him a childish oaf and left the room.
He won't admit it but he was so confused as why his antics didn't work."
"Yeah, I still don't understand that with guys. But now most don't even try when they learn I can out drink most."
The kettle whistled and Loki got up to finish up the tea.
He handed her a cup and sat back down next to her.
"I got tired of them so I came out to the garden for some quiet and I saw you again.  Reading. One of my favorites actually." He smiled at the memory.
"I conjured up a rose and tried to sweet talk you. You didn't even look up from your book. You told me in an ever sassy but polite way of where I could stick my rose and to stop channeling my inner oaf."
Jamie laughed. "That does sound like me...what made you decide to try again? I mean obviously something work haha but why didn't you give up just like Thor did?"
Loki gently placed his hand on top of hers and looked in her emerald green eyes.
"Because it was refreshing that you wasn't swoon by any of that. Most girls creamed by the first 'hello darling' and smile...but you needed more. You needed actual substance."
Jamie found herself lost his deep green eyes and smiled.
"Thank you for stepping up and doing more. I know it probably was hard, with how I am but you didn't give up"
"It was well worth it. Everything. You was worth it. No matter what, I would always choose us over and over."

Suddenly, there was a cough from the entrance.
Both Jamie and Loki looked over to see Tony standing there with Dr. Strange.
"Oh great! Tin Man!"
"Strange...what is this??" Loki couldn't help but seeth as they were intruppting a moment.
"It is fine, Reindeer Games...just would like to talk to her"  Tony kinda smirked a little as he slapped Loki on the shoulder.
Jamie went to go slap Tony's hand off Loki's shoulder and a green energy blast shot off in Tony's direction.
"He doesn't want you touching him or talking to back off"

Everyone looked at her in shocked. Jamie's hand was still glowing green and getting a little more brighter.
"Dear, it is okay. Please. Calm down. I am fine."
Jamie blinked a few times and shook her head. She noticed everyone staring at her.
"What? What happened?"
"You almost took off my arm there Sarah Conner.." Tony said as he backed up towards Strange.
"Umm what was that sis?!" Strange ask cautiously.
"I...I am not sure. I just didn't like him touching Loki and his banter and it sorted just came out."
Loki laughed to himself.
"You find this funny?!" Tony scoffed.
"I find it funny how you guys are forgetting a very important fact. She is the GODDESS of of course she is going to have powers. Honestly, she is very well skilled in the art of chaos magic. That...that was a warning shot."
Jamie looked at Loki and smirked.
"I think I'm gonna like this! Come on, let's go finish our talk in my room...away from the children.."
Loki and Jamie both headed off to her room.
Tony looked over at Strange and gulped some.
"So she is the more powerful one. We might have a slight problem...those two together is going to unstoppable...are we ready for this?!"

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