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Two days. That is the exact amount of days that I have gone without any sleep. Even with Bellamy sleeping next to me every night I can't seem to do it. His arm rests lazily over my middle and I lace my fingers with his. I love these moments as much as I love him. I roll onto my back angling my head upwards to look at him. The sun is starting to shine through the caves entrance making Bellamy more visible. His dozen of tiny freckles tend to stand out in the light. I reach up and brush some strands of hair away from his face. He looks so calm and peaceful when he sleeps which makes him all the more beautiful. "Clarke?" His voice is muffled which tells me that he is half asleep. It's still early so I know that he will be asleep for another hour. I know that the second he wakes he is going to try and convince me to come back to camp. I'm still not ready and I don't know if I ever will. I have to force myself awake every few minutes. I know that being sleep deprived right now is not a good idea since I need to be on high alert 24/7. I don't know how much i'm going to be able to put sleep off. I suppose resting my eyes for a few minutes wouldn't hurt. I roll back onto my side curling up into Bellamy's chest. My eyes have been burring for days and it feels like heaven closing them. Sleep instantly takes over as Bellamy pulls me closer to his body.


I'm running as fast as  I can but I can't seem to get away. They know where I am and what i've done. I can't seem to run fast enough. The charred bodies of grounders, disfigured men woman and children. All of them chasing after me. I swerve in and out the maze of trees trying to get away. Wake up!  Wake up! Wake Up! WAKE UP!! I pinch my arm hard hoping that this nightmare will end. It doesn't. I'm fully awake and my demons are here to haunt me. A few branches cut at my face and arms drawing blood. They are gaining on me and I can't seem to lose them. That's when I see it. They led me here. Why did they lead me here. I'm not going back. I can't. "I'm not going back!" I scream not really caring who hears it. I turn to see the hundreds of people closing in on me. "I just wanted to save my friends." I feel the tears starting to form "I didn't want to hurt anyone." I slowly back away from the forming crowd running into a tree "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." Their eyes pierce right through me making me sink to the ground. "Leave me alone!" I pull my knees to my chest tears running down my cheeks soaking my shirt sleeve. "Please just leave me alone!" I cover my face with my hands feeling the dozens of hands grabbing at my body. "Stop it! Leave me alone!" It feels like the all the air is being sucked out of my lungs. I can't breath. I can't breath. "Clarke." I feel two hands pry my hands away from my face. Bellamy.  I reach out for him grasping his hand. "Bellamy." I let out a small sob as he pulled me into his lap. He wraps his arms around me pulling me closer to him. "They wouldn't leave me alone. I couldn't make them leave." I curl up against him like a small child who just woke up from a nightmare. "It's okay, i'm here. I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise." 

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now