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The sun beats down on me as I walk back to camp. Now that the summer is here the days are hotter which means water runs out fast. I was lucky to come across two squirrels which makes the perfect excuse for me being out this early in the morning. I approach the gates in long fast strides waving to the one guards motioning for him to let me in. I see him nod as the gates slowly open. I take long strides walking past the gates nodding at the guard "Morning." I say as I pass. The guard eyes me closely then goes back to his watch as the gates close behind me. I get this often, half of it for me shooting Jaha and becoming a stowaway in order to protect my illegal sister. But the other half because I haven't really come up with an excuse of how no one sees me leaving in the morning. It's become the talk of the camp since the spotlight has been on me ever since Clarke left. "Bellamy." Kane comes out of one of the tents heading in my direction. "Morning Kane." I take my pack off my shoulders opening it up. "I found some squirrels." I pull out the two dead animals showing them to him. "It's not much but I figured that it's better than nothing." Kane nods smiling "You got that right. Thank you Bellamy." He takes them from my grasp turning to place them on the nearest table. "Bellamy. I been meaning to ask you something." He turns back around to face me "you've been a lot of help here at the camp and I want to thank you for that." I nod smiling not knowing where this is going. Is this about why the guards don't see me leaving in the morning?  I need to come up with an excuse. I can just say that Raven helps me open the gate, she would back me up on that. Kane continues smiling. "How would you feel about being on the council?" The council. I let out a small sigh of relief that he hopefully doesn't notice. "I... would love to be on the council. Thank you. I'm honored." He gives me a satisfied grin clapping me on the the shoulder. "Good man. We could use someone like you." He gives my shoulder a quick squeeze then walks away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Congrats." Lincoln's voice catches me off guard making me jump. "Uh thanks." I run a few fingers through my hair combing out the knots. "You know Octavia was just asked to be on the council too." I'm not surprised, especially with her connection to the grounders. "She wasn't exactly jumping at the chance but I convinced her otherwise." I give him a confused look. "Why do you want her on the council?" He shrugs "I think that it would be good for her and your people." He does have a point. "I guess you're right and it's not just my people they're yours too. You're one of of us." He gives a light nod followed by a smile. "Thank you. That means a lot." Despite him dating my sister I really do have respect for him. I swing the bag back over my shoulder shoving my hands in pockets. I miss the days when I could just wander around the woods whenever I wanted and no one could tell me otherwise. Security is tight here, mostly because everyone is so paranoid about what the grounders have planed for us. I myself am a bit on edge about wether the grounders have plans for us or not. I bet that they are taking their time waiting for us to let our guard down then strike. Maybe Clarke can help. She convinced the grounders to join us maybe she can convince Lexa to have us all live in peace. I lean against what's left of the Ark staring down at my feet. "So word is you have been bringing back all that food for us in the morning." I look up to Lincoln who crosses his arms over his chest. "Thing is no one actually sees you leaving in the morning." He raises an eyebrow giving a small smirk that seems like a foreign gesture for him. I roll my eyes pulling my hands out of my pockets. "Octavia told you didn't she." Of course she did. Why do I even tell her stuff. "We tell each other everything." 

"Good to know." I push off the metal surface walking over to my own tent. This heat is becoming unbearable. "Just be careful alright. I've know those people my whole life and they won't hesitate when it comes to killing someone." Lincoln says behind me. Which is why I need to convince Clarke to come back with me. I don't need to be told about the grounders I know what they can do. I give him a slight nod over my shoulder and keep walking. The camp consists of a few living quarters most of them built from what was left of the wreckage. Some of the Ark happens to be intact inside which means that it also provides several living quarters. Members of the hundred where offered first picking of the rooms due to our "service" on the ground. Most of us denied the offer due to the reminder of how our lives where. Octavia most of all, she prefers the outdoors it makes her feel more free. I plop myself onto my makeshift bed throwing my arm over my eyes. The tent doesn't do much to keep the heat out I might as well be laying right outside the door. I run my hand over my forehead that is drenched in sweat. Damn. maybe the grounders don't need to attack the sun will just do the job for them. What I wouldn't give for some ice cold water to dunk my head in. "Bellamy." I look up to see Octavia standing over me. I let out a sigh throwing my arm back over my eyes "what do you want O?" I hear her sitting on the ground next to me which means that this is going to take a while. "I need to talk to you." I move my arm a bit getting a glimpse of her "O, I swear if you're pregnant I will..." My arm is suddenly thrown to the side cutting me off. "Whoa! Yeah no. Not even remotely close to what I was going to talk to you about." I give her a grateful smile and put my arm back over my eyes. "Good. Now go on." I hear her shift uncomfortably her voice going serious "Bell you need to tell Abby where Clarke is." 

"Why would I do that." Octavia lifts up my arm and I'm suddenly very aware of the light again. "Because you need to stop being an ass and tell Abby where her daughter is. She's scared Bellamy and you need to tell her." She loosens her grip on my arm and I pull it away. "It's not exactly up to me, Clarke is the one who doesn't want to be found." I pinch the bridge of my nose sitting up. "God you are so selfish Bellamy and so is she! What if I was missing and someone knew where I was and didn't say anything! What would you do then! How would you feel!" She is shouting now so I cup my hand over her mouth silencing her "Shut up. Look i've tried. She doesn't want to come back." I slowly pull my hand away from her mouth hoping that she will be quieter now. "Fine. I won't say anything... for now." She gets up from the floor heading to the door. "Oh and you might want to come up with an excuse for you disappearing, people are getting suspicious. Abby and Kane included." She throws aside the tarp walking out leaving me with only my thoughts and the heat. I rest my head in my palm biting down on my lip. Octavia's right Abby needs to know that Clarke's okay. I am also going to need to come up an excuse. Like a really good one.          

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