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"Bellamy can we stop for a minute please?" I look back at Monty who is slowly trudging behind me. I'm surprised that he's still here with me I thought that he would've turned around and gone back to camp by now. I had hoped that he'd turn around by now, but he's Monty loyal till the end. "Bellamy. There are caves over here can we just stop and rest for five minutes." I stop looking to where Monty's motioning to. It's getting dark and walking around this area at night is a bad idea. I lean against a tree letting out a sigh. 

"Well if you're not going to stop and then I will." He moves past me walking to the nearest cave. 

"I'll catch up with you okay." I run a few fingers through my hair sucking in a breath. I turn away from where Monty is headed and instead look to where we just came. She's close I can feel it. Where are you? 

"Bellamy!" I turn quickly on my heel sprinting for the cave Monty just disappeared into seconds before.

"Roan let him go!" Clarke! I round the corner of the cave gun in hand to find Monty with a blade to his throat. 

"Don't move sky crou or he dies." Monty looks to me giving me the go ahead to shoot. "Roan! Let him go!" my head jerks to the right to find Clarke tied up off to the side. "Clarke." her name slips out so quietly that I don't think that anyone heard me. 

"Roan let him go now. Please they won't do anything trust me." She looks to me silently telling me not to play hero. 

"Speak for yourself." Monty says moving his neck away from the blade. "Shoot him Bellamy."

"Monty don't be stupid." Clarke says pulling at her restraints. I keep eyeing Roan who keeps looking between me and Clarke. I think the best move for now is to just surrender. I point the gun away putting it on the ground. 

"She's right we won't try anything." I look to Clarke who lets out a sigh of relief. Roan loosens his grip on Monty enough to where Monty slips free. I move over to Clarke reaching for the restraints. "The deal was to let your friend go she wasn't apart of it." 

"Well i'm not leaving without her so you're just going to have to deal with that." I motion for Monty to untie her restraints as I pick up my gun from the ground. 

"You try to leave with her then you won't leave this cave alive." He pulls out another blade eyeing both Monty and I. 

"You're right. I guess i'll just have to kill you right here then." I point my gun up at him my finger ready to pull the trigger.          

"Bellamy don't!" Clarke yanks my hand downward pointing the gun to the ground. "What are you doing we can't let him go?! He'll just follow us!" I raise my gun up at him once again only to have her take it away from me.  What's wrong with her. "Clarke what the hell are you doing?!"

"We can't kill him okay."  

"And why the hell not?!" I look to Roan who is giving me a sideways glance then looks to Clarke. Why is he looking at her like that?  I ball my fists out of frustration looking to Clarke who is clearly thinking about a response to my question. She bites her bottom lip then looks up to me putting the gun in the waist band of her pants.     

"We need him." She's lying. Why is she lying to me. I turn to Monty who seems to have something on his mind but it seems that he's not going to say anything. "He's the prince of Ice Nation. We need as many allies as possible and Ice Nation is one that we can't afford to go to war with." She's not wrong. I know there is something else though. She want's to keep him alive but why. 

"We'll just knock him out okay. That will give us the head start that we need." She doesn't wait for me to say if it was a good plan or not and hits Roan in the side of the head knocking him out. 

"There now let's go." She pulls at my arm leading me out of the cave. I want to talk to her and ask her why she wanted him alive but right now we need to run. I take the gun from her and put it back in my holster. She gives me a quick nod then sprints off in the direction where Monty and I were coming from. Something happened. I know something did. She's hiding something and I need to know what. 

"Bellamy! Come on let's go!" Monty yells from in front. 

"Right behind you." I say running to join them     

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now