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I sense Bellamy's gaze on me as I stare off towards Arkadia. He hasn't said anything about me wanting to keep Roan alive. I figure it's because Monty's here. 

Monty walks over handing me some water. "I take it you're not coming with us." I take a swig then hand it back him shaking my head. "I don't belong there." He looks back at Bellamy then back at me "I guess I should leave you both to it then." He adjusts his pack then nods to me. "Guess I'll see you when I see you." He looks to Bellamy then starts walking down the mountain.      

I lean against the nearest tree watching the sun come up. Everything's so quiet and still. It's almost like nothing bad ever happened here. I look back at Bellamy who's standing off to the side swaying slightly. He does that whenever he's debating what to say.    

"I don't want to fight okay." 

He stops swaying looking over at me "I don't either." He moves to stand next to me brushing a hair away from my face. "Did he hurt you?" his voice is soft and worried.  

"No."  I turn towards him running my hand through his hair. 

"Good." He looks towards Arkadia then down at the ground. He doesn't seem angry just sad. "Bellamy?" 

"Come with me." 

"Bellamy..." He looks up at me and I can make out tears starting to form. 

"One night Clarke." He pulls me close enough to where our foreheads are touching "please, just one night. I can't sleep alone tonight." His hand strokes my cheek and the back of my neck sending a tingle down my spine. "You know what it was like...being alone for that year when everyone I loved was gone. My mom was floated and Octavia was locked away. I came home every day to an empty house, no mom, no sister, just me. I was alone and empty and miserable."


"I hate going back to camp without you. I hate sleeping alone. I hate going back to my tent and not having you there with me. I hate losing my mind over the thought of you in danger. Clarke I love you and I don't want to survive earth without you." He takes my hand and presses it against his cheek. "Forget about one night. I don't just want you to stay for one night...I can't handle just one night. I want every night, every second, every minute, every day, I want you Clarke." 

I back away just enough to face him"What are you trying to say Bell?" I reach up to wipe away a stray tear from his cheek. 

"I'm saying that I'm ready to follow you anywhere. I don't care where we go I just want to be with you. Just tell me where we'll go and I'll go no questions asked. I want to be with you. I love you and...I want you... to marry me."       

His words take me back "what?"

He pulls me close to him once again whispering this time.

"I want you to marry me, Clarke."   


May We Meet Again Book 3 

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