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"We've been walking for hours can we take a break. My feet are killing me." I tug at my restraints causing his arm to yank backwards. "Hey a break please." 

He stops letting out an amused grunt and yanks his side of the rope causing me to stumble towards him. "Don't think I I don't know your game Wanheda because I do. It'd also be pretty unwise to underestimate me. I meant what I said about me killing your friend."  

"You'd think i'd risk Bellamy's life on a possibility of me killing you." 

"I don't know would you, you are the commander of death after all." He looks around the open field that we're standing in then back at me. "Alright two minute break then we keep going." He does another quick glance around the area then sits. He's not like the other grounders, there is something about him that I can't figure out. He's running from something too. I move to sit right in front of him criss crossing my legs. I feel like I should say something but I don't know why. He's going to kill me anyway so might as well make conversation. Maybe I can make him trust me enough to get close... close enough to jam this knife in his chest. I don't think that he knows about it. I mean if he did he would've taken it from me by now.  

"So what's it going to be Wanheda you going to talk or keep planning your escape?" damn he can read me almost as well as Bellamy can. 

"I wouldn't try to escape. Not with Bellamy's life at stake." He gives me a look that tells me that he is convinced that i'm telling the truth. "So you love him. Seems odd for a commander of death."

"It's odd for someone who has killed just as much as a grounder has can still be human and love?" He rests his arm over his knee looking me over "You look like a person who will do anything for someone they love. They're your weakness this is why you're weak."

"I'm not weak because I care for others."

"Maybe not, but the fact that I stopped you from using that knife that you've been hiding in your sleeve just by saying that i'd kill that boy in the woods. Bellamy, it says something." 

"If you knew about the knife why didn't you just take it from me." He grabs onto his side of the rope standing then turns to look down at me. 

"It was a test. I wanted to see if the great Wanheda actually did care. Turns out you do."  He reaches down and grabs my hands pulling me up "Come on we've been here long enough." 


I've been ignoring the ache in my feet for the past four hours, wherever we are headed he's determined to get there fast. The sun went down three hours ago and my body is slowly giving out from exhaustion. I stare down at Roan's feet watching them slow down their pace. 

"There's a cave over here we'll rest for the night." He looks back at me looking somewhat as tired as I am "I trust that you won't try anything." I should play along for now. He seems useful although my track record of trusting grounders hasn't gone so well. I'll chance it with him better me then Bellamy anyway. I let out a sigh and bring my arms downward enough so that the knife slides out of my sleeve. "You have my word, I won't try anything." I flip the knifes blade towards me handing it to him. He looks down at it for a second as if anticipating for me to suddenly stab him and run off. 

"You'd really just hand over your chance at an escape just like that?" He finally grabs the handle taking it from me. "I know you're not that dumb but I will take this as a sign of trust...for now." 

He looks down at the knife then back  to me clearly trying to figure out what my next move is going to be. We both jump at the sound of drumming in the distance. "We need to move." He yanks me forward as I'm forced into a jog. My night vision isn't as good as his which is made clear when he stops causing me to run into him. This doesn't faze him though and just turns me to where we are headed. "In here." 

I stumble forward as my feet are met with stairs. I feel Roan's hand grip my arm catching me before I can fully fall down them. "I probably should've said there were stairs." He moves in front of me still holding onto my arm. "Last thing I need is for you to break your neck." 

I look down slightly making out the first two steps. "I think I got it." I slowly put my foot down on the first step. then the next one. I look up only to find his face inches away from mine. I lean back slightly ready to go back onto the step I was on before. "Congrats Wanheda you can walk down stairs." He loses his grip on my arm walking the rest of the way on his own. I don't know why but i'm suddenly picturing Bellamy. The Bellamy that I knew before who would get on my nerves just as much as I would him. I let out a breath walking down the rest of the way.      


"Why were you running?"         

"Why were you?" 

"I asked you first." He puts the knife back in the holder in his boot. "and what makes you think that i'm running." 

"You're clearly ice nation roaming around tree crou territory alone. I'm also guessing that you are in debt to someone since you are so determined to bring me back alive instead of killing me yourself. But what really gives it's in your eyes you're running from something...or someone. You did something." You're just like me.  I watch him poke at the fire emotionless waiting for him to say anything. I can't tell if I actually got to him or not.

"You think you've got all the answers don't you Wanheda." He stands looking down at me "You didn't answer my question." 

"I ran because every second that I was in that camp, I kept getting reminded of what I did to get everyone there."  

He just scoffs at my answer and kneels down so he's level to me. "So you killed to save your people just like everyone else. Welcome to the ground commander of death." 

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now