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My mother once said that if you love something you should let it go. That's what I am doing letting someone I love go. I'm not focusing on how much this hurts and am instead focusing on him. The way he stares down at me with his beautiful brown eyes. The soft gentle kisses he places on my bare shoulder and neck. He lingers over me capturing my lips with his pulling me closer. He pulls away slightly to move to my cheek moving away a few strands of hair from my face. I play with the ends of his hair twirling a few around my finger. "I love you Clarke." I can feel the tears already trying to spring free but I hold them back. I move my hand to his back pulling him into a close embrace placing a few kisses his neck. "I love you too Bell." I can feel his smile against my cheek and it takes all my strength not to break down crying. I love you so much. Which is why I have to let you go. I fully get a hold of myself and pull Bellamy into another kiss putting everything I have into it. Saying that I love him no matter what happens. I reach up tangling my fingers in his hair pulling him even closer to my body. I love you Bellamy. Goodbye.

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now