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1 hour Later

"Bellamy? Can you hear me?" Clarke. Her voice is far and I can't seem to reach her. Clarke.

"You scared me you know. I'm sorry, this is my fault." I feel her fingers brush away strands of my hair. Her hand is cold which feels good against my warm skin. "I'm so sorry Bellamy." I feel something wet drop onto my cheek followed by a sob. I want nothing more than to kiss away her tears and tell her everything will be okay. Her hand is on mine gripping it tightly. I love you.


"Glad to see you awake Bellamy, how do you feel?" Abby asks standing over me "pretty crappy actually."

"I would too, but you should be all good. Lincoln got an antidote for the poison in your system." I nodded as my eyes lazily scanning the room.

"I'll go get Clarke and tell her you're awake."

"She's still here?"

"Of course, she hasn't left your side until now." She looks towards the exit "she's just making sure you're okay then..."

"I'm sorry Abby." She gives me a sideways glance then walks out leaving me alone.


The tent is dark besides the orangish glow from a candle next to me. Clarke sits at the edge of the bed rubbing soothing circles on my arm. "How do you feel?"

"Mild pain but nothing I can't handle." I move to a sitting position, her face inches from mine.

"I'm so sorry Bellamy I never..." I quickly pull her into a kiss stopping her "You don't need to be."

I brush away a strand of her hair smiling "I was the one who took an arrow for you."

"You shouldn't have done that." She looks away slightly "Bellamy..."

I pull her closer to me "Please don't go." I say trailing kisses down her neck "You can stay."

"I can't." I move to kiss her cheek "yes you can." I pull away pressing my forehead against hers.

"Bellamy I can't." She plays with the ends of my hair. I know I can't convince her to stay, she wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Then I'll come with you."

"What?! Bellamy you can't leave."

"I was going to at one point..."

"That was different."

"I know. I still think about though, like what would've happened if you hadn't stopped me that night. I would still do it especially if it's with you."

"What about Octavia?" Clarke backs away slightly

"What about her? It's not like she needs me protecting her anymore." I reach out pulling her back towards me "I love you." I breath brushing away strands of her hair.

"I love you too." She places her forehead back against mine "At least stay the night with me?" I ask placing my hand on the back of her neck. "Please."

"Course." She pulls me into a kiss twisting her fingers in my hair. I do the same and slowly pull her on top of me.

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now