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Four Hours Later


"Go away Clarke." I keep walking sensing her following me.

"Bellamy wait! Let me explain."

"You were with them this whole time! I can't believe you would do this!" I say turning quickly to face her.


"You know... I take back what I said. Loving you was the biggest mistake of my life." 

"Bellamy Please! Please don't leave!" She reaches for my arm but I quickly pull it away. 

"Bellamy i'm sorry. I'm so sorry." 

"Sorry can't fix this Clarke! I can't even look at you!" She winces at my words, hurt but I don't care. I turn quickly and start walking back down the hill. 

"Bellamy wait! Please i'm sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen! I never wanted anyone to get hurt." I stop to look back at her, angry "Hurt. Hurt! People died Clarke! Our people! And Octavia..." 


"She was hit with a poison arrow."

"Oh god. Bellamy I'm so sorry I..."

"She'll live... She was pregnant though. I'll never forgive you for this."

"Bellamy... I was never with the grounders, they weren't even Lexa's people. I... I don't know what happened, but you have to believe that I wasn't apart of any of this."

"I don't know what to believe right now Clarke. Just go."


"Go! I don't want you anywhere near this place! I don't want to see you anywhere near here! Now leave! It's what you're good at." I blow out a puff of air trying to keep my anger under control.

"Bellamy i'm so sorry..."

"I don't want to hear it." my legs move before my brain tells them to. I don't bother looking back at her. I head back to camp listening to Clarke's quiet sobs behind me. 

Don't turn around. Don't turn around. It always hurts me to hear Clarke cry, but my anger forces me to keep walking.       

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now