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"Anything suspicious out there?" Nathan nudges my shoulder getting my attention. "Nothing but trees." I rest my back against part of the Ark feeling the boredom sink in.

"Haven't heard anything for weeks. Makes you kind of anxious you know." He does a quick scan of the trees then looks back to the other guards. 

 "I guess I should finish my rounds." Nathan gives me a quick slap on the shoulder then continues to walk along the fence. I've been on guard duty for two hours and I don't know how much longer I can put up with just standing here. I adjust the gun on my shoulder and look around to some of the other guards. Maybe if I look tired enough they'll let me switch out with someone. I look back out towards the woods letting out a yawn.

  "If you're tired I can switch out with you." I jump slightly at the sound of my sister's voice.

"What are you doing up? You should be asleep O." She scoffs at my reply moving closer to me.

"I haven't done much of that lately." She crosses her arms over her chest and leans against the nearest tree. "It's so quiet. I can't remember the last time this place was ever this still." Even with the dark lighting, I can see bags under her eyes signaling that she hasn't slept in days.

"You alright?" I reach out for her arm only to have her move it away.

 "No. I keep waking up in the middle of the night hoping and wishing that all of this was just a dream. Then I see Lincoln's face telling me that it wasn't a dream, it was real. Then suddenly it's like I can't breathe or function right." 

"I'm sorry O." 

"For what it's not like you knew about the attack."

"I still should've been here. You're my little sister and I was supposed to protect you from all of this. If I never went off with Clarke this probably would've never happened." 

"Whatever I don't want to talk about it. I want to know about you. Are you alright?" I hesitate not wanting to say that I am worried about Clarke. She reads my mind.

"You're thinking about Clarke." She looks down kicking a rock "Like always." 

"I'm sorry, I'm trying so hard not to think about her and everything but..."

"I get it. She's the love of your life and what not." Her tone comes out irritated and I can't help but be angry at myself for my feelings. 

"I want to hate her. I want to hate her so much but I can't!" I reach back and hit the side of the Ark with my elbow causing a loud clank sound. The guards look my way on high alert. "What was that?!" 

I look away as Octavia waves them off "It's alright I just slipped."  She grips my arm making me look at her.

"What the hell is wrong with you." 

"Nothing." I let my gun drop from my shoulder. "I need a break." I run a few fingers through my hair putting some distance between me and Octavia.  

"Bellamy." I pick up my pace making a direct line for my tent. 

"Bellamy wait." I throw the tarp off to the side moving over to my bed. 

"Bellamy." I roll my body onto the bed laying my arm over my eyes. I hear the tarp being moved to the side causing me to let out a sigh. "What do you want?" 

"I get that you are torn about the whole not hating Clarke thing but there is something else that you're not telling me." 

"I don't know, something doesn't feel right." I run my hands down my face and let my leg fall off the side of the bed. 

"I wouldn't be worried I mean it's Clake." I can still hear a bit of bitterness when she says Clarke's name I wouldn't blame her though. 

"I haven't seen or heard from her in two days. I know that it's just Clarke but it's something else. I know it. I can feel it somethings wrong." 

"You're being paranoid."

"I don't care." I sit up reaching for my pack  "Look it could all be connected somehow, the grounders attacking and Clarke going missing." I look back at Octavia who just silently stands in the doorway.

 "I'm not asking you to forgive her because she sure as hell doesn't deserve it. I'm just asking you to trust me." I sling my pack over my shoulder brushing past her. The sun's almost up. 


"Where are you going?" I give a quick glance over my shoulder to find Monty following me. "Nowhere, just leave it." 

"You're going to go off into the woods alone?"

"Just leave it alone Monty." I head to the front gate motioning to the guard  "early hunting trip." 

He looks me over "Kane approves of this?" I let out a short sigh "course, now just open the gate." I brush past him 

"I'm sorry Bellamy but I can't just have people going off into the woods alone. Not with the unknown whereabouts of the grounders."   

"He won't be alone." Monty says stepping forward "I'll go with him." I bite down on the inside of my cheek looking between the guard and Monty. 

"Well, there you have it. Now the gate if you don't mind." The guard looks between me and Monty then nods. 


"Bellamy! Bellamy wait up!" I look over my shoulder at Monty who is maneuvering his way through fallen logs and broken tree branches. 

"Look, Monty, I think that'll be best if you just go back to camp alright." I adjust the pack on my shoulder waiting for Monty to catch up. 

"No way. I've seen you sneaking off into the woods at night, and you know what I think."

" Not really but I have a feeling that you're going to tell me anyway." I lean against the nearest tree hearing Monty's footsteps approach me. 

"I think, that you know where Clarke is." 

"And what makes you think that?" 

"Well that little kiss that happened after Mount Weather, Clarke leaving, and you leaving every night. Only makes sense. Not to mention the whole grounder incident." I scoff pushing off the tree "That's a nice theory." 

"Oh come on. It's not like I'm going to tell anyone." He brushes past me "Now you can tell me why you're really out here or I can go to Kane about my little theory." 

I roll my eyes sighing "Fine. Clarke's missing and I'm kinda worried." 

He nods looking to the direction we are headed. "Well, I guess we should start looking." He motions to the path ahead "Come on we're wasting time." 

I let out a short laugh "Alright then. Thanks, Monty." 

"Anytime. Come on." I take in a deep breath and follow him.  

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now