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There is no fire to even the odds this time. No reapers to come and attack. They are on their own. I grip onto a tree branch pulling myself up to get a full view of camp. The grounders have my people brutally outnumbered. My eyes scan over the chaos for Bellamy. Where are you? Please be okay. I drop down landing on my feet with ease. I don't hesitate running towards the battle scene. Adrenaline is the only thing keeping me going right now. I ignore the branches that scrape at my face as I run through the trees. I burst through the clearing finding my people trying to fend off the large grounder army. I quickly duck down in the long grass not wanting to be spotted by a grounder. I pull out a small dagger just in case I do run into any trouble. Where are you Bellamy. I start to move silently maneuvering my over a few fallen grounders. They are almost to the gate which means it won't be long before all my people are killed. Think Clarke Think! Come on!  I kneel down in the grass searching for anything to help even the odds. My hand runs through the grass in front of me. It's dry grass. Wildfire! 


"Bellamy, I know how to build a fire

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"Bellamy, I know how to build a fire." I say handing Bellamy my blade. 

"Correction you know how to build a fire with two sticks and a knife." He holds up three stones and my blade "All you need is these and and this. You can keep them on you and all it takes is a few sparks." 

"Okay." I motion to the items in his hands "go on, show me how." he gives me a smirk then kisses my cheek.

"Okay. Now pay attention." 


I reach into my sack pulling out my blade and a stone. This can work. This can work. It has to. 

I hold out the stone to the grass and quickly swipe my blade over the stone watching the small sparks it formed. I swipe my blade over the stone again and again until the piece of grass catches fire. Gotcha!  I lean forward blowing below the growing flame spreading it. I watch the flame move to other patches of grass. This won't spread fast enough. I move close to the side of the camps fence and start the process over again. 

The first fire has gotten bigger and has caught the attention of some of the grounders. I quickly move away from the new spreading fire. I watch as some of the grounders try to put out the spreading flames. The fire is spreading too fast and rapidly that the grounders can't keep up. This is going to work. The grounders are starting to move away from the flames, this is giving my people the advantage that they need. 

"Wanheda!" I turn just in time to run into a grounder. I quickly grip my knife blocking the grounders incoming blow. He is ten times my size but I maneuver my way around him easy. I slice the grounders leg making him fall onto one knee. I roll away before he can make his next move, then make a quick motion cutting open his throat. He stares at my with wide eyes as he grips at his bleeding throat. "Wanheda..." I watch him fall completely still griping at his throat.    

I look down at the grounders face. The markings on his face are different.These aren't Lexa's people! 



I can just make out his figure through the flames. He looks different and I then think about Mia and what I did. Him calling my name catches the attention of a few other people, including Bellamy. His face and clothes are stained with blood. I'm sorry. I say silently in my head wishing that somehow he can hear me.

I turn away from him and break into a sprint back into the woods.   

***Authors Note***

Sorry for not posting in forever I hit a writers block so sorry for this sloppy chapter, but with the new season of the 100 I have been coming up with ways to add some of the things from the new season into some of these next chapters. 

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now