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I wander the layout of the trading post examining objects set out. I can't seem to get what the grounders words out of my head. I pick up a small trinket examining it in my hands. I put it down looking back to the counter.

"Niylah? Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, what is it." She walks over to me smiling and brushes a strand of hair behind me ear. I quickly pull away slightly, looking away. Bellamy used to do that. I shake away the thought and turn back to look at her.

"What is Wanheda?" The smile suddenly leaves her face "Why do you want to know?" She turns her gaze to something else as if trying to silently change the subject. I'm not going to let this go.

"A grounder that attacked my people called me Wanheda before he died." I move a bit closer to her "If you know anything about this you have to tell me."


"Tell me. Please." She lets out a sigh

"What you did in Mount left a message for the rest of us. You took out our greatest enemy Clarke."

"So what does this whole Wanheda thing have to do with all that."

"Wanheda means Commander of Death."

"Commander of Death?" The words feel weird in my mouth.

"Clarke... you should know something...the people who attacked your people, they are very dangerous."

"Who are they?" She seems hesitant on telling me but my glance tells her to continue.

"They are the Ice Nation... Clarke you're in more danger than you know."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It means you have a bounty on your head. You're being hunted Clarke."

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now