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The morning light streams in through the caves entrance hitting my face. I look away from the light shutting my eyes again. I give a slight groan to the uncomfortable numb feeling in my arm. I open one eye to see Clarke resting against my side.   

What are you doing Bellamy. I run my free hand down my face. What're you doing. 

"Are you okay?" I move my hand away to see Clarke looking up at me. "Yeah uh, I just can't feel my arm." 

"Oh sorry." She moves up onto her elbows freeing my arm. "Better?" 

I move my arm so it's resting over my head "yeah." 

I close my eyes once more moving my arm over my eyes blocking out the light. 

I feel her fingers play with loose strands of my hair twisting the them in her fingers.  

 My breath hitches as her fingers move to my side lifting my shirt a bit and move over the scar on my side. I move my arm away from my face staring up at the caves ceiling.   

"I'm sorry Bell." I pull her hand away "I'm just lucky I guess." she moves her hand over to my face cupping my cheek. I let go of her hand sighing. I want to lean in and kiss her so badly. No! Stop it . I move away sitting up fully "I should go."

"I'm not asking you to forgive me because trust me I don't deserve forgiveness. I just ask that you don't hate me. I can't stand the thought of you hating me." I look down at her then to the caves entrance. I get on my feet moving over to the farthest wall looking out of the caves entrance.

"I don't hate you Clarke... I hate that I find it impossible for me to hate you." I glance at her over my shoulder

"and I hate myself for not hating you." She looks a bit hurt but I know that she understands why. 

"You owe it to your sister to hate me." I turn fully to face her, I know that she gets it. 

"You had the same feeling towards your mom didn't you." she nods turning away "and Wells."   

I nod turning away also "You owed it to your dad to hate them right." I hear her get up from the ground and move over to me. She runs her hand over my back resting her chin on my shoulder. I feel her place a kiss on my neck then my jaw. I move my head meeting her halfway moving her body to face mine pulling her close. 

I start losing myself in the kiss and I want to stay with her like this forever, but I can't. I move my head away taking a few steps back still holding her hand. "I'm sorry... I have to go." I turn quickly on my heel  releasing her hand. I let out a breath shoving my hands in my pockets looking down at my feet as I walk away. 


This chapter was so sloppy I hate it...the next chapter should be better. Hopefully            

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now