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"Damn it Bellamy you pulled your stitches again." I let the shirt fall back down his body giving an irritated sigh. 

"Sorry." He rests his weight on his hands leaning back

"What was it this time, another fight?" I turn away to grab a needle and thread 

"It was either the hog or my stitches, I chose the hog." He winces as I start pulling out the broken strands of thread. 

"I'm guessing it got away then." 

"Murphy went after it."

"Not sure I would fully trust Murphy catching dinner." I finish pulling out the final stitch and grab the needle next to me pushing the thread through the eye of the needle.

"Relax princess, yeah his aim isn't as good as mine but you'll still get your five star privilege meal." He gives me a small smirk making me roll my eyes.

"Don't call me princess." 

"I'm sorry does your little boyfriend already have dibs on that pet name?" I narrow my eyes at his remark and jam the needle through his torn skin. 

"Ow! Clarke!" He lets out a loud breath as he pants through the pain. I give an innocent smile.

"Sorry, I tripped." He glares up at me as I proceed to stitch up his wound. 

The sound of a twig breaking wakes me causing me to reach for my knife.  My eyes haven't fully adjusted to the pitch blackness. I back up slowly until my back hits the cave wall. My gaze only catches shadows as the movement continues outside. The twig was obviously an accidentally slip up in their attempt of stealth. 

If it was Bellamy he would've said something by now.  I get up from the floor sticking the knife up my sleeve concealing it. I quietly step to my bag pulling out a handgun holding it up. I take a few steps forward until i'm at the caves entrance. My eyes have fully adjusted and I can make out the woods layout. My gaze immediately goes to the trees waiting for the slightest amount of movement. 

"Not all grounders hide in trees." I jump at the voice behind me quickly turning only to have the gun knocked out of my hand. I don't have time to think before I feel something sharp prick my neck suddenly making me sleepy. Everything around me turns sideways as my body hits the ground. 


"What's the princess doing out here."  Bellamy gives me a small smirk spinning his axe in his hand. 

"I told you to stop calling me that." I brush past him causing him to give an obnoxious laugh. 

"Oh come on, but seriously what are you doing out here? It's not exactly safe out here alone." I turn suddenly causing him to run into me. "I could ask you the same thing since I told you to not go off hunting in the woods for a while." 

"And when have I ever listened to you." He leans against a tree letting out a sigh. "So where are you headed anyway?" 

I let out a breath rolling my eyes "Finn found a bunker a while back so I figured that there could be more. Winter is around the corner and I feel that we could use some more supplies. You know if I find anything." I cross my arms over my chest. 

"Well we should get moving then before it gets dark." He pushes off the tree brushing past me. 

"We?" I move to cut him off "forget it, there is no we." 

"Oh but there is, unless you really think that I am going to let you go off into the woods alone."  He gives me his signature smirk. 

"Wow I didn't know you cared so much." I roll my eyes 

"Well I don't, you're just the only medical help we have so you know...if you die we're all kinda screwed."  He puts his axe in its holder  "We don't even have to talk."  

I let out a breath looking away. This is Bellamy Blake. The same guy who has managed to seduce mostly all the girls back at camp. I know his game and I am not going to play along.  

"Try anything and I'll rip those stitches out one by one."  I turn back and give him a death glare letting him know that i'm serious. He just scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Trust me, you're the last person I would ever sleep with." 

"Likewise. Glad that we can agree on something."   

My head rolls to the side jerking me awake. It takes me a minute to fully take in my surroundings. I groan at the small ache in my shoulder, must've been from when I got knocked out.  

"What's your name?" He glances back at me then goes back to tending to the fire. 

"You know if you're going to kill me you should just get on with it." I pull at the restraints wincing as the tip of the knife in my sleeve pricks my flesh.  

"If I wanted to kill you trust me you'd be dead already. I have strict orders to get you back alive and unharmed." 

"On who's order? Who sent you?" He gives an annoyed sigh kneeling in front of me. 

"You know I think I liked you better out cold." His gaze moves past me to the caves entrance.   

I notice a small beam of light peaking through the caves entrance which could only mean it's morning. "How long was I out?"

"A few hours." He moves behind me starting to untie the rope on one side freeing my one hand. In one move I can easily grab the knife out of my sleeve and end this. 

He reads my mind. "Fight me and that boy of yours won't be so lucky." I tense up at his words.

"Bellamy." his name slips out so silently that even I have a hard time hearing it. As much as I hate it I nod agreeing to corporate. 

"Someone is very anxious to see you." He yanks me up on my feet. 

"Are you going to tell me your name?" I hold out my arms to him.

"Roan." He finishes tying the rope around my wrist securing it with three tight knots. "Same rules apply. If you try to escape or attack i'll go after the boy." He pushes me towards the caves exit.  

"After you Wanhada." 

******** Authors Note *******

Okay so when Roan was first introduced in season 3  I kinda liked the pairing between Clarke and Roan so I might do something brief with the two of them. Bellarke shippers don't hate me... Although don't worry Bellarke is going to be back and in full swing since as I said before a thing between Clarke and Roan would be brief.  

Also since Comic Con was going on I have to mention that season 4 of the 100 sounds amazing and I am so excited. Hopefully the writers give us Bellarke shippers something this upcoming season. 

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now