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"Clarke." I start walking backward until my back hits a tree. "What are you doing here?"

"I missed you Bellamy." Her eyes are sincere so I know that she means it, but I'm still mad at her. She starts to move towards me, causing me to stay frozen against the tree.

"You left," I say sounding like a hurt child.

"Bellamy I had to... I'm sorry..."

"I don't want your apologies, Clarke. I just want to know why you left in the first place?"

"You know why. All those people and seeing their faces I couldn't handle that." I suddenly feel a surge of anger.

"And you think I could! We did say together, which I thought meant that we would deal with what we did together! Then you leave, you just left. You sleep with me then leave in the middle of the night. Not even caring to let me know that you were okay."


"No! Just stop okay! I can't..." I push off the tree and start walking past her.

"Bellamy." She grips my arm stopping me. I stop her before she can say anything else pulling my arm away.

"It's getting dark. I need to start heading back to camp." I brush past her not looking back.


Three weeks later

I walk along the fence keeping my eyes glued on the trees. I swing my gun down at my sides kicking a rock. I look over to the other guards who roam the fence. I then look back to the fence only to be met with Clarke standing on the other side.

"What are you doing here Clarke?" I walk along the fence looking over my shoulder at the other guards. "I thought you couldn't stand to be near this place."

"I need to talk to you." She moves with me along the fence "Bellamy please."

"What makes you think that  I want to hear what you have to say?"

"Just please let me explain." There is something about the tone of her voice. She sounds somewhat desperate and scared. I let out an annoyed sigh running my fingers through my hair.

"Fine explain." I stop walking and face her "talk."

She looks around quickly then shakes her head. "Not here." of course she wants me to leave with her. I know that there is still a part of me that wants to leave with her. I look back towards the camp then back at her. "Fine, I'll come with you."

"How far are we going to go before you tell me what's going on?"

"Not much further." She replies over her shoulder. I look back to where we came.

"You know I think we have put enough distance between us and the camp." I lean against the nearest tree combing through my hair with my fingers. Clarke looks back towards Camp Jaha then lets out a sigh.

"I guess." She moves over to a fallen log and motions for me to sit. I bite my lip slightly and move to sit next to her. "Okay talk."

"Bellamy, leaving you was the hardest thing I have ever done. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you when I should have been. You were right before we pulled that lever together and that meant that we would get through what we did together. You have every right to hate me." She is starting to tear up and I consider holding her in my arms, but I don't. I move my glance away from her setting my elbow on my knee resting my chin in my palm. I then let out a breath returning my gaze to hers. 

"Look I don't hate you, Clarke, I'm just angry." I look down at her hand next to mine then back up at her. "I still care about you though."

"Why? Why do you still care about me?"

"I always cared about you. Even when it didn't seem like it I always did." I wipe away a stray tear on her cheek. "I still love you."

"I still love you too." She quickly leans in pulling me into a kiss. I reach up and cup her cheek pulling her slightly closer. She pulls away suddenly pressing her forehead against mine. I can just make out a few tears slowly running down her face. There's something she's not telling me. "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be."

"I can't lose you, Bellamy."

I pull away confused "Clarke? What are you talking about? You're not going to lose me."

"I'm sorry Bellamy. I'm so sorry." She backs away slowly sobbing.

"Clarke what's wrong." I reach for her, then I hear it. I turn back towards Camp Jaha as a gunshot fills the air. Clarke's standing now and slowly backing up against the nearest tree.

"Clarke. Clarke, why did you bring me out here? Clarke what did you do?!" 

"I can't lose you this was the only way I knew how." She is up against a tree tears staining both her cheeks. I jump up from my sitting position fully facing her.

"You brought me here to distract me didn't you?"

"I'm sorry Bellamy. I couldn't risk you getting hurt or killed." 

"What've you done!" Oh god! Octavia! I spin around quickly on my heel and sprint back to camp.

"Bellamy! Bellamy, please don't do this!"

I never should have left with her. I can't believe I fell for this.

I've never run so fast in my life. I can't believe she would do this. Why would she do this? Camp Jaha slowly comes into view and so does the grounder army turning our camp into a war zone.

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now