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The med tent is packed to it's maximum capacity. I watch Abby go from one patient to another rushing to tend to their wounds. Everything around me has turned into a blur as people are rushed by me gripping to their injuries. I look down at my own examining it myself.  

"Bellamy." Abby's hand immediately goes to my side where blood is starting to seep through my shirt. 

"I'm fine Abby, there're others with way more serious injuries than this." I put my hand over the deep gash feeling my warm blood under my hand. 

"You're really lucky, that grounder was really close to killing you." Abby moves my hand away looking at my wound again. 

"and he didn't I took care of it. Just give me a needle and thread or a knife and i'll take care of this." She is about to protest but I cut her off "Please, take care of them first."  

She nods and moves over to a woman who has burns all up her arm due to the fire Clarke started. 

Clarke. Even the sound of her name makes me feel sick to my stomach. I shake the thought and look around for something to seal up my wound. 

"Here." I see a knife appear in front of my face. I take it and look up at Lincoln "Thanks." 

"Why don't we go outside so that we can build that fire." there are bags under his eyes and I can tell that he needs a reason to get out of here. 

"Yeah, it's a bit claustrophobic in here." I grip the knife with one hand and my side with the other. I take a quick look over the room then follow Lincoln out of the room.


Lincoln throws a few twigs in the fire emotionless. I get a pang of sadness thinking about what he is going through. He grabs the knife from my hand and places the end into the fire. He stares down at it watching it slowly turn a bright orange. 

"I'm sorry Lincoln." He doesn't meet my gaze and instead turns the blade around in the fire. 

"It's not your fault Bellamy, you couldn't have known that this would happen."

"Clarke knew. Clarke knew the whole time and she chose not to tell anyone." My chest aches and I can feel tears starting to form, I blink them away. Clarke knew, she knew and she didn't warn anyone but me. She knew. SHE KNEW THE WHOLE TIME! She let this happen to my sister.

I watch Lincoln pull out the knife holding it out to me. "Do you want to do it or me?" 

I lift up my shirt taking the knife from his hand. "I'll do it." He nods then hands me a piece of cloth. He doesn't bring up the fact that I just told him that Clarke knew about the attack.  

"I'm guessing that you've done this before right?" I look up at him "Uh not really..." I put the cloth over the heated part of the blade and press it against my skin making me give a yelp of pain. I let out a sharp breath dropping the blade from my flesh. "there's not much to it." 

"You alright?" Lincoln reaches for a cup behind him holding it out to me. "What's this?" 

"Moonshine, usually helps." I take the cup from his hand and take a swig feeling it burn my throat. 

"How's Octavia?" 

"She's sleeping, she says that she's okay but I know that she's lying." he runs a hand over his head then down his face. His eyes are starting to water but he doesn't blink them away like I did. 

"She's not okay Bellamy." I know he's right and it hurts so much to think of my sister hurting like this. He sucks in a breath trying to hide a sob. I wrap an arm around his shoulder pulling him into me. 

"I'm sorry Lincoln. I'm so sorry." I'm sorry. Clarke, you did this. She did this. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her.   


My eyes wander Arkadia  watching the people finishing up their jobs. It's getting dark which means that everyone will be heading to their own courters soon. My gaze suddenly lands on Raven who is walking into her own tent. She must be done with her job. I get up and head towards her tent. Raven and I have been through a lot together. For some reason I always prefer her company whenever Clarke is not around. I reach out for the tents tarp debating whether to let her know that i'm coming in our not. I never really have before since we had this whole I've seen you naked before so it doesn't really matter. Although I don't think that implies anymore. Screw it. I pull away the tarp letting myself in catching Raven off guard.   

"Bellamy... is something wrong? What are you doing here?" 

"Moving on." Before she can say anything else I pull her into a kiss. She doesn't respond as I pull her closer to my body. She manages to get her arm up against my chest and pushes me away. 


"I did it for you once..."

"and I shouldn't have done it. Trust me it doesn't help." She gives out a disgusted sound and wipes away the kiss with the back of her hand. 

"Besides I don't think that you could work around this." She pokes my side right where the gash was causing me to grunt in pain. I shove her hand away, letting out a annoyed sigh. 

"I can handle it. Besides that was you...this is me I just need the company." She scoffs at my answer and moves over to her bed. 

"Fine." She pats the spot next to her "Let's talk."

"Yeah that's not really what I need right now." I let out a breath crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fine Bellamy, go find some other girl to screw because i'm not that girl." She gets up and brushes past me to the tent entrance. "You're're not like me. You're better. At least I hope you are." She says and pulls away the tent flap showing me out. 

"I gave in, in the end remember." I say before she has a chance to fully kick me out. 

"I know, but you didn't jump at the chance like most people would." She leans forward slightly kissing my cheek. "No matter how many girls you screw, you're still going to feel miserable."

I don't know what to say at this point because I suddenly see how lost she seems to be without Finn. He was the only person she ever loved. 

"You still love her and you hate that so you want to distract yourself with someone else." I hate that she is right.  

" Clarke knew about the attack. She knew about the attack and she decided to only save me." the tears are coming back up but I don't blink them away this time. It's Raven, I can be vulnerable when it comes to her. 

"If only she had warned all of us, we would've been ready and she knew that. We wouldn't have had all those people in medical." Raven doesn't say anything and instead lets me let everything out. 

"Raven... I love her. I love her so much still and I hate that I love her. I hate it so much." I run my hands down my face wiping away the tears that are running down my face. "My sister lost her child because Clarke didn't warn us. She lured me away when I should've been here protecting my sister, but I wasn't and I didn't. She's my little sister and I was supposed to protect her but I couldn't because I let my feelings for Clarke get in the way!"

"Bellamy it's not your fault..."

"No! My sister my responsibility! I promised my mom that I would take care of Octavia, that I would protect her no matter what. I couldn't do that." I wipe away a few angry tears "Raven..." She quickly pulls me into a hug before I can say anything else. I bury my face in her shoulder finding her embrace soothing. "I'm sorry Bellamy. I'm so sorry." 

"Yeah me too." I pull away slightly placing a kiss on her cheek. I move away from her pulling back the tarp letting myself out.   


Debating on writing a third book...

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