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I can't breath. My back slams against the tree knocking the wind out of me. Where did it come from? My eyes search the trees franticly searching for the shooter. I get a glimpse of a body moving swiftly from tree to tree. If I kill him it will only provoke the rest of them. Bellamy is taking in big gulps of air gripping at his stomach thats becoming a dark red. Oh god I kneel over him too scared to even touch the arrow sticking out of him. He's too heavy for me to bring him back to Camp Jaha and if I run and get my mom we wouldn't make it back in time. He's not bleeding too much which is a good thing but he is struggling for air. "Bell you have to stay calm and breath okay." He gives slight nod changing his big gulps of air to rapid breathing. I have to get him back to Camp Jaha. I grip the top of the arrow breaking off the end throwing it to the side. I let out a breath that I hadn't noticed I was holding in. "Okay. It's going to be okay." I don't know if I am saying that for Bellamy's sake or mine. I brush away a few strands of hair away from his face. "I have to get you back to camp." He pries away his one hand away from his stomach that is now coated in his own blood. "Clarke... you have to... go back to camp."

"Bell, by the time I get back, you..." I can't even finish my sentence without tears threatening to rip though my body. He gives me his usual smirk taking my hand "good thing you're a fast runner." The arrow head is blocking most of the blood flow but he is still bleeding out. He releases my hand and reaches up cupping my cheek. "Clarke it's going to be okay. I'm going to be okay." He lets out a painful grunt as he leans upwards giving me a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." I jump up breaking into a sprint taking one last look at him over my shoulder. Please let this not be the last time I see you.

The gates of Camp Jaha stand before me with the same greeting as before. I wave down one of the guards motioning him to open the gate. The second a gap opens up large enough for me I quickly slip through ignoring the stares of everyone I pass. I need my mom. "Clarke!" I turn quickly almost running into Octavia. I quickly grip her by the shoulders before she can say anything else. "It's Bellamy! I need my mom now!" Her face goes serious at the sound of Bellamy's name. "Follow me." She grabs my arm pulling me towards the ark. She lets go of my arm breaking into a run "Abby! Abby! Abby!"

"Octavia we don't have much time hurry." She turns suddenly scared. "Clarke..."

"We just need to find my mom and everything will be okay." Octavia bites down on he lip nodding. "Okay. Okay. We'll just find your mom and..."

"Clarke?" Thank god. "Mom I need your help! You need to come with me right now!" I brush past both my mom and Octavia sprinting down the hall out to the infirmary. Octavia is close behind desperate for answers. "Clarke what the hell is going on!" I dig through the bandages pulling one out and some alcohol. "Clarke what is this." My mom says behind me clearly as desperate for answers as Octavia. "I'll tell you on the way." I run out of the tent seeing my mom and Octavia exchange glances then follow me out.

My mom and Octavia keep up just fine as the run after me. I made small marks of trees as I ran to camp leaving a trail. Octavia quickens her pace even more catching up to me. "Clarke tell me what happened now!" We're getting close so I might as well just tell her now. Although I don't even really know what happened myself. "I don't know, we were walking and this arrow just came out of nowhere. I guess that it was meant for me but Bellamy pushed me out of the way." It's hard for me to talk and run at the same time so I make my sentences quick and short. I find my last marker slowing down my pace catching my breath. My mother isn't far behind and soon catches up to me. "Bell?" I turn the corner finding Bellamy in the same position as I left him. "Bellamy!" Octavia rushes to his side gripping one of his hands. His breathing has slowed and he is slipping in and out of conscious. He gives me a weak smirk "I. Told you... that... you were... a fast runner."

"We need to do this quick. Mom!" I look back at her as she runs some alcohol over her hands. I move to give her room next to Bellamy who is already losing all conscious. My mom doesn't waste any time already cutting away his shirt. "We need to lay him down." She instructs motioning for Octavia to help her. Bellamy lets out a painful grunt as they move him onto his back. I turn my gaze away scanning the trees above us. Whoever did this could be back to finish the job or they could already be here watching and waiting. I reach for Bellamy's gun and stand with it at the ready. I turn back to look at my mom as she slowly starts to pull out the arrow. By the looks of the angle it didn't seem to puncture anything important which is good. Octavia holds his head in her lap stroking his cheek wincing every time he lets of a painful moan. I can't stand to see him like this especially since its my fault. I go back to scanning the trees waiting for any sign of movement. Bellamy has been good at not making any loud noises for now. I know that he has a high tolerance for pain so if we might not have to worry about anyone hearing us. I let the gun fall to my sides and turn back to my mom who is trying to stop the bleeding. "He's losing too much blood and I don't think that sewing this up will work." I know what she's thinking. I kneel over Bellamy's body pressing my hand against his cheek. He's burning up. I look back to my mom pulling out my knife handing it to her. "Octavia." My head snaps to her "I need you to find something to build a fire, don't wander far." She nods planting a quick kiss to Bellamy's forehead. I turn back to my mom who is holding the knife at the ready while putting pressure on his wound. "Clarke there are some matches in my bag you can use those." I reach for her pack searching for the pack of matches. My fingers find the rough surface of the box pulling them out. Just as I do Octavia throws down some sticks and dry leaves in front of me. I don't waste any time lighting a match and holding it to the pile. The dry leaves work like gas lighting instantly soon spreading to the twigs. I crouch down blowing on the small forming flame watching it get higher. I reach behind me for the knife, my mother handing it to me. I hold the blade over the flame waiting until it lights up a bright orange. Octavia has moved back to Bellamy's side going back to stroking his cheek softly. I did this. If He dies I'll never forgive myself. I lift the blade away from the fire quickly handing it to my mother. She takes it moving the cloth away from his wound. Bellamy looks mostly unconscious so hopefully, he doesn't feel a thing. I take his hand anyway griping it tightly both for his sake and mine. I look to Octavia who is stroking his hair away from his face, she meets my gaze for a second then back to her brother. I suddenly feel Bellamy's fingers grip mine. He's awake. He's going to feel this. "I'm so sorry Bell." I am met with his scream in pain as my mother presses the hot metal against his flesh. I squeeze his hand tighter and tighter waiting for it to be over. His fingers have lost its grip on mine and his body goes limp. "Bell?" Octavia is griping his face shaking him "Bellamy!"

"It's okay Octavia. He just passed out." I say releasing my grip on his hand.

"Once we get him back to camp and get some fluids in him he should be good." My mom throws my knife off to the side resting her hands on her knees. Well if the grounders didn't hear us before, they sure as hell heard us now.

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now