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I wake to the feel of Bellamy placing soft kisses in the nape of my neck. I lace my fingers with his holding them close to my body.  I can't remember the last time that I got some actual sleep and it feels amazing. He moves his head between my neck and shoulder pulling me closer to his body. His breathing slows after a while which tells me that he fell back asleep. I rub a few soothing circles into his arm feeling his warm breath on my neck. This has been the longest I have gone without Bellamy having to wake me from one of my nightmares. I shift onto my other side resting my head next to his taking in his features. I look over to the caves entrance, the sun is starting to come up which means he will have to start heading back to camp soon. I lean in slightly giving him a quick kiss then slowly wiggle out of his grip. My food supply is getting low and Bellamy can only sneak me so much. I slip on my boots and grab my pack giving one last glance at Bellamy's sleeping figure.

After the events at Mount Weather members of the Ark decided to go back and salvage supplies. Bellamy said they brought back enough food to last them years which i'm not surprised. I guess he was supposed to be on the team to bring back supplies but he turned it down. I don't blame him. Mount Weather is just another standing reminder of the cruel measures we had to go to to survive. It's a haunting memory that won't subside. I dip my feet into the water below letting out a sigh as it cools my feet. I always found it interesting how much we would overlook the beauty around us and instead focus on all the horrible things. I think that Octavia was the only one that really took all this in. "It's nice out here." Bellamy says startling me. I look back at him smiling "Yeah it is." He moves to sit next to me and dips his feet in the water. "Nice day for a swim." 

"You can't swim Bellamy." He just shrugs in response 

"Gotta learn sometime right, I mean we are on earth." He gives me a smirk and throws his shirt over his head. I honestly don't know exactly how deep the water is but i'm guessing that he isn't tall enough to touch the bottom. "You know that if you start drowning I can't help you right?" He gives out a laugh pulls off his boots and pants. "Well then you could say that I died doing something exciting." He winks then jumps into the water. 

"Bellamy!" I lean over the edge watching his body sink to the bottom. Damn it Bellamy!  I know that he is just trying to scare me and I roll my eyes at that. Two can play at that game. I throw aside my shirt, boots and pants with Bellamy's and jump into the water. I let the water consume me and pull me down. I don't know why but I love this feeling of what seems like the loss of gravity. Finn and Raven where the only people who really experienced zero gravity and I envy them for that. I guess this the closest I will get to experiencing that. I feel the ground beneath my feet and I push off until the warm air hits my face. I take in a big gulp of air and feel Bellamy's hand on my hip keeping me afloat. "So you just jump in anyway?! Sometimes I swear you have a death wish." I wrap my arms around his neck smiling "And you were going to let me watch you drown? Plus I knew you were lying  when you said that you couldn't swim." 

"Actually you said that." He places his other hand on my hip puling me closer to his body. "Although I will have to admit something." I say wrapping my legs around his waist. "I lied too... about the swimming thing. Octavia taught me how a few months ago." He pulls back as much as I let him and gives me a serious look. "Wait! So you where going to let me believe that you where drowning." I give him an innocent smile and splash him with water. "Only cause you did it to me!"      

He gives out a small laugh then pulls me into a kiss. I twist my fingers in his hair pulling him even closer. He moves to kiss my cheek and neck then stops and moves to my ear. "Wait so if you can swim... why am I holding you up?" I smile and unwrap my legs from his waist holding myself up. He places another kiss on my neck and pulls back to look at me. "We can continue this when my feet can at least  touch the ground." I nod in agreement and unwrap my arms from around his neck. 

May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The EndWhere stories live. Discover now