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Six Months Later

"Clarke slow down!" I chase after the streak of blonde as she sprints through the trees. She has somehow gotten faster than me. She lets out a small laugh and disappears around a tree. I slow my pace hitting a tree to come to a full stop. I rest my hands on my knees taking deep breaths. "Took you long enough." Clarke whispers in my ear. I turn quickly pulling her into a kiss. She pulls away pressing her forehead against mine. "I love you Clarke."

"I know. I love you too."   

"Bellamy." Octavia snaps her fingers in front of my face grabbing my attention. "Bellamy you've been zoning out all day." 

"Sorry O, you have my full attention." She rolls her eyes "Yeah right, here put these in would you." She hands me a small bowl of flowers. I pick out a purple one and gently tuck it in her braid. I do the same with all the rest until the bowl is empty. 

"There." I move to face her and admire my handy work. "You look beautiful O." 

"Thanks Bell." 

"You nervous?" She just shrugs in response "I just wish mom was here."

"Yeah me too." I brush away a strand of loose hair as she wipes away a few tears 

"Come on Octavia, it's your wedding day. The only tears you should shed should be happy ones."  I wipe away a fresh tear on her cheek. 

"You're right." She blows out some air then laughs "All those years hiding on the Ark, I always thought about how I would never be able to do this." 

"But now you can." I kiss the top of her forehead then pull her into a hug. 

"Thank you Bell." 

"For what?"

"For everything you've given up for me. You protected me all those years. Despite you being a total pain doing it.... I can't explain how thankful I am to have you as a brother. I love you Bell."

"I love you too O." 

"Bellamy, i'm sorry about what happened between you and Clarke." 

"It's okay, I should just try to forget about her..."

"Bellamy, you can't do that. You love her I know you do."

"Octavia we are not talking about this now. Today's about you okay." I pull her into a quick hug putting this conversation to rest for now. 

"Hey save it for the reception you two." I roll my eyes pulling away from Octavia "Way to ruin the moment Raven." 

"Ah it's my thing. You two ready or not?" I turn back to look at Octavia 

"Ready?" She lets out a deep breath then smiles



"Bellamy."  I turn to see Kane slowly trailing behind me. I keep forgetting that he is still new at this.

 "Sorry i'm use to doing this alone." It feels weird to have my metal axe with me again. With bullets running low in camp we are starting to do everything the old fashion way again. Kane adjusts the makeshift quiver on his back. "This is all going to get some getting use to." 

"Don't worry, took me awhile before I could actually hit something with this thing." I motion to my bow. Although it wasn't exactly true since I can pick up pretty much anything quick. I turn back to the woods reminding myself to keep a steady pace that he can keep up with.

 "We should keep moving, I say we have about an hour before the sun goes down. The last thing we want is to be out here at night."

"You're right." I hear him take a few quick steps forward before crunching down on several twigs. I wince at the sudden sound. I hate to disrespect the guy but hunting is not his strong suit. I take in a deep breath rolling my eyes. We won't be able to find anything if he keeps making all this noise. 

I think about telling him that we should split up and cover more ground, but even I know that's risky. Not only would he scare away animals but he could also attract some grounders in the process. I think I can fully say that this little hunting trip is over. I turn to Kane leaning against the nearest tree "We should head back, maybe find some berries or something on the way back." Something that doesn't require stealth.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea."  I can sense his disappointment but he plays it off well. "Maybe we can try again tomorrow." 

"Yeah, plus it's winter so animals are hibernating and stuff...or so i've read." I rub the back of my neck trying not make him feel bad that he can't hunt to save his life. Looks like if I want to get any meat this winter i'm going have to do this myself. 


The nights have gotten much colder over the past few weeks which means everyone is cramped together in the Ark. I can only take too much of this. I load up a quiver with arrows and grip onto the bow. Kane is in a meeting with Abby so if I can make a clean exit without anyone knowing... 

"And where are you going?" Raven asks blocking my path. So much for that idea. 

"I am sick of this vegetarian diet, I need meat." 

"Thank god, so do I." She moves aside letting me pass "Just promise you'll bring my back a squirrel or something."

"I'll do my best." I give her a small smirk and brush past her. 

We had our first snow yesterday but it didn't last long. My feet crunch over the remaining patches of snow. I pull out an arrow and roll it around in my fingers. I ignore the fact that my face has slowly gotten numb. I put the arrow back and rub my hands together, watching a trail of my own breath linger in front of me. 

"Bellamy?"  My ears suddenly perk up at the sound of her voice. Clarke?  I turn to look over my shoulder to confirm. 


"Hey Bellamy." She looks so much different but her voice is unmistakable. It's her.   


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