Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Where is it? Where is it?" I whisper to myself as I rummage through the pile of clothes on top of my bed. What am I looking for, you may be wondering? My bra, the best one out of the ones that I have. Let's not pretend like we've never been here before, sacrificing your allowance for a night out but never for necessities. The plan was to fold it yesterday as soon as I took it down from the laundry line, but I got side tracked when my best friend, Buhle, dragged me to the club so, here I am, late. Unlike me, Buhle can party the entire night and wake up the next day like the previous night never occurred whereas I take five working days to recover from just one night of groove. I don't know how she does it, but she just does. I'm currently rushing to submit my assignment that is due before ten o'clock and I have less than fifteen minutes to make it to campus. If it wasn't for the walking, I wouldn't be stressed because I was just going to call a cab but since I blew it last night... Sigh. I can't even afford to catch a taxi, that's how broke I am. The repercussions of living recklessly. I find one of my sports bras and chuck the idea of finding the bra that I'm looking for. I'm not about to miss an assignment deadline all because of a bra. I quickly get dressed and dash out of my room. I stay in a commune with seven other girls who are also studying at the University of the Free State. Our rooms are single rooms with three-quarter beds. Each room has its own shower and a small kitchenette-like area with a bar fridge and small counter. Our rooms also have plasma TVs mounted on the walls. Fancy, neh? I know.

"Hey," Michelle greets me as I stumble after colliding into her by the gate.

I wave my hand at her while dashing away, unable to stay for pleasantries. I'll apologise to her when I come back from campus. She's easy going so I know she won't hold this against me.

"Overslept again?" She yells humorously behind me.

That's one of the few things I'm renowned for in this house; oversleeping. If she only knew that that is not the reason behind my lateness today.

"Go get them tiger," she yells, laughing at me.

Michelle is one of those forever happy people. Rarely gets mad but when she does you must know that you have ticked her off to the optimal level. She's from Cape Town; a long way from home I know but she says she needed her independence and wasn't going to get it with her mother close by, so she decided to come and study in Bloemfontein. Not that I'm judging her, I'm from East London yet here I am. I could've gone to Nelson Mandela University but just like her, I also chose this place and so far, it's been amazing; nothing like I'd perceived.

I reach the Theology Building just in the nick of time to submit; panting and sweating as I stand outside the lecturer's office. I wish our teachers in high school warned us on how demanding varsity is because what is this? My phone rings from somewhere in my backpack and I scramble to find it before the caller drops the call. I don't have airtime to call them back and callbacks are lousy as fuck, so...

"Where are you?" That ladies and gentlemen would be my best friend.

"At the Theology building," I say in between my laboured breathing.

"I take it you made it in time since you're not screaming at me," she says, giggling.

I huff and visibly roll my eyes as I make my way out of the building.

"I did, though I nearly missed the deadline," I say as I throw my backpack over my shoulder.

A group of students loitering outside the building stare at me as I walk past them. I know; I look like a hot mess. Imagine wearing a V-neck t-shirt with a sports bra peeking at the collar. Not cute.

"Well, all that matters is that you made it," she says, chirpily with a hint of relief in her voice.

"Whatever. Where are you anyway?"

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