Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I'm finally getting discharged, and I'm elated. If it wasn't for my stitches rupturing, I would have been discharged two days ago but rather late than never, right? My sister and my parents are here to fetch me, and boy am I happy to know that I will be sleeping in their presence tonight.

"Are you ready, baby?" My mother asks while caressing my arm gently.

"Yes, ma," I say, smiling sweetly at her. When she heard that my stitches ruptured she nearly lost her mind. My mother, like most mother's I'd love to believe, can fuss. She will ask you the same question two times and still not trust your response. She fusses a lot over me; more than she does Viwe.

"I hope we aren't forgetting anything," she says, raking her eyes across my side of the ward.

"I think you packed everything ma, and if we've forgotten something, we'll just replace it."

"You mean your father and I will have to replace it," she says, teasingly.

She knows I'm always looking for an opportunity to sneak in spending their money and now that I'm out of this place, I'm going to make the best of the opportunity.

"Already on your way, roomie?" Ayanda asks while being wheeled in our ward by the porter.

"Unfortunately, no, let me be honest and say, fortunately, yes," I say, chuckling softly.

She got her results a few days back and judging from her mood since she received them, I think the results were positive.

"You make it seem like you're being held prisoner," she teases, getting up from the wheelchair.

"Of course not, but I think you and your you-know-what will enjoy the privacy," I tease, winking at her. She laughs, throwing her back.

My mom is looking in between us, slightly intrigued by our conversation but I'm not about to let her know that I was sharing this ward with two people: one not being a patient. She'll freak out.

"Oh, stop it. We weren't that bad," she says, flicking her hand playfully at me.

"If you say so."

Just then Dr Heyns walks in followed by the missing duo.

"Ma, Miss Giyose," she says, greeting both my mom and I.

"Good afternoon, doc," my mom says, extending her hand out for a handshake.

Dr Heyns gladly accepts my mother's hand with a smile on her face.

"I can see you can't wait to get out of her," Dr Heyns says, shifting her focus back to me.

I'm currently sitting on the edge of the bed with my legs swinging over the edge.

"I'm tired of these white walls, doc. I need some colour in my life," I say dramatically.

"You were the one that brought colour to this place," she says, throwing an unexpected wink my way.

I blush and mumble a faint thank you at her compliment.

"You're making her shy, Dr H," Viwe says, causing everyone to chortle, including Dr Heyns.

My sister and putting me on the spot. Did she have to say that out loud? Ai.

"Oh, leave my patient alone," Dr Heyns says, coming to my defence.

My father decides to break the banter and ask a petulant question.

"Seeing that she's getting discharged today Dr. Is there anything we need to do to make sure that she recovers properly?"

"Yes. Though her stitches are healing properly, she's going to have to keep them dry and change her dressing every day, just as she's been doing here in hospital."
"What about her moving around?" Viwe asks.

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