Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

We may have resolved the house issue but I still want an actual apology; one that doesn't involve orgasms or me calling out his name. It's the next morning and we're in bed cuddling.

"What time is your shift?" I ask while drawing circles on his chest.

Yes, I'm a gone girl. That's what good pipe does to you.

"I took the day off," he says, caressing my back gently. I tilt my head and stare up at him.

"Can you afford to take another day off when you just got back?"

He chuckles, "Yes, I can. I haven't taken proper leave in years, so I deserve this."

"What do you mean you haven't taken leave in years?" He sighs before staring down at me.

"After Balisa, I chose to drown myself in work instead of dealing with the mess."

I reciprocate his energy and sigh as I return my head back to its original position. This is a lot.

"Do you think you would have ever gotten back with her if I wasn't around?"

"No," he says within a heartbeat.

I know my question seems childish and reeks of insecurity but it's neither of those things.

"But why? You wanted a future with her. Hell, you even proposed." He chuckles.

"What we had was bound to fail. We had different views of what our future would look like. We just wasted our time thinking that our ideologies would ever converge."

Wow, that's deep. I sigh and wrap my arm around his waist tighter. His words linger between us as we lay in comfortable silence. His words don't bring emotions of discomfort instead they just made me realise how important it is for people in a relationship to have similar desires otherwise what are you doing?

"What are your plans for today?" He asks, still caressing my back.

If there's one thing I love about this man, it is his ability to show affection.

"I need to find a storage facility since I'm staying here now," I say, side eyeing him.

The bastard laughs. Since the arrival of the twins I have not set foot in my commune. It's not like we spoke about me moving in, it just happened but it makes sense.

"I don't recall you saying you want to move back to your place," he mocks.

"Well, it's not like I can raise babies in a commune," I shoot back.

"Don't bring my children into this," he says, poking me against my rib. I screech.

"It's the truth though," I say defensively, shrugging. This man is so protective over his kids.

"Anyway, I also need to go get some groceries as well. I'm also thinking of seeing my mom."

I feel his body still beside me at the mention of u-ma. I know I said I'd wait a bit to deal with her but I feel like there's no better time than now; while the wound is still raw.

"Are you sure?" He asks, sounding doubtful and slightly worried.

"No, but I have no other choice," I say with a shrug.

He hums at my answer before he tightens his arms around me.

"I haven't heard the twins make any noise this morning. Are they up?"

"They were, but they went back to sleep after I fed and bathed them."

See why I love this man? He makes parenting with him so easy and effortless.

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