Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

We step into Dr Henn's office, and he makes his way around his desk while I take a seat in front of him on one of the chairs provided for us patients. He scrambles around looking for something, I think a pen, until he finds it.

"Miss Giyose," he says, eyeing me as though waiting to hear if he's mispronounced my surname.

"Doc," I simply say, followed by a nod.

I know it's formalities, but I wish we could just skip through the pleasantries and jump straight to the part where he injects me.

"What seems to be the problem this morning?" He asks, scanning through my medical history.

With how thick my file is, he's going to need more than a few seconds to catch up on my history.

"I'm experiencing severe period pains," I say blandly.

He's a doctor and I'm not about to sugar coat what I'm going through.

"When did they start?" He asks jotting something down on my file.

If this was Dr Henn, he wouldn't ask me these stupid questions but since he's not my doctor, I might as well explain every little nitty gritty detail to him.

"This morning," I say, in a whisper as a bolt of pain surges through me.

I squeeze my ass cheeks together and tightly close my eyes, groaning through gritted teeth. After a while, the pain subsides and I relax my body, looking back at him to find him staring at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks in a concerned voice. I nod because my voice box has gone mute.

"Your file mentions that you experience these monthly," he says, flipping through the pages of my file as though pointing out where it's been written.

I bop my head because this bolt of pain I just experienced has rendered me speechless.

"Have you gone for tests and scans before?" He asks, jotting something else on my file.

"Yes," I say, bopping my head and stare back at him.

Dr Henn is a brilliant doctor. Of course, he sent me for a scan the third month I came to see him complaining about the same issue he'd treated me for in the two previous months.

"I'm going to refer you to my colleague at MediClinic; she's one of the best gynaecologists in -"

"There's no need for that. I'm okay with Dr Henn," I butt in.

I don't want another doctor. I'm one of those people who are loyal to one doctor. He releases an exasperated sigh. He places his pen on the desk, clasping his hands together and looks at me.

"I understand Miss Giyose, but it would be unethical of us to keep administering pain medication to you when we don't know the root cause of your pain."

Is this man trying to say that Dr Henn is unethical for giving me the Voltaren shots?

"I'm not accusing anyone of anything," he adds as though reading my mind.

"All I'm saying is, let's explore all avenues so we can know the best course of treatment."

I nod because it's clear that I'm going to lose any debate with this man.

"Dr Heyns will draw blood and send you for a few scans," he says, jotting something on my file.

I guess that's the gynae's he's referring me to.

"I hope those tests and blood work will be covered by my medical aid," I mumble softly.

I hear him chuckle softly and it takes me by surprise. This man has been serious since I met him, which includes yesterday and yes, I know that doesn't warrant me knowing him all of a sudden, but he doesn't peg me as the chuckling type.

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