Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

It's like time stands still as the rest of us remain rooted while trying to take in the situation.

"Guys, we need to go," Dali's voice floats amongst us, jarring us all awake.

"Yes. Yes. Yes," Gugu says just as Dali clasps my hand into his, dragging me to wherever.

"We'll meet you guys there; we need to inform the nanny that we'll be home a bit late," that'd be Thando.

"Where are her hospital bags?"

"Oh, shit we forgot about those," Thando curses, palming her forehead.

"They're at Ludwe's house, right?"

"Yeah," Thando says, looking defeated.

"It's fine we'll pick them up on our way," Gugu says, relieving her skwi.

"Thank you," she says, hugging her before her and Lubanzi dash off, with us on their tails.

"Baby, can we please pass by Thando's house, I'm cold," I ask, rubbing my arms for warmth.

He nods and snakes his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Aah, warmth.

"Please call u-ma as well," I remind the man walking beside me.

"You're right. Let me call her now," he says, fishing out his phone from his pants pocket.

He helps me inside the car before joining me, connecting the phone to the handsfree.

"Are you okay?" He whispers when he catches me grimace while settling in my seat.

I nod and perk his cheek for assurance. He bores his eyes on me as though analysing me.

"Are you sure?" I nod, and he brings the engine to life.

When Dali informs her that Aya is in labour, she panics but Dali assures her that she will be fine.

"I can't miss the birth of my first grandbabies, Ndyebo," she says in a soft voice.

It sounds like she's about to cry.

"You won't, I promise. I'll book you on the first flight out."

"Enkosi, mntan'am. Make sure she keeps those babies inside her womb until I get there."

Her almost impossible threat is enough to make us laugh at her.

"Ma, you know that's impossible," Dali says tenderly.

"If you value your life Dalindyebo, you be sure to do as I say," she bellows.

She sounds just like a woman in labour with her unrealistic demands. Dali sighs in defeat.

"I'll do my best," Dali says just to pacify her.

"Good. You'll fetch me at the airport, right?"

"Of course, ma." 

"Mm," she hums, causing Dali to scoff-chuckle if there's even such a thing.

"I'll text you your flight details as soon as I've booked the flight."

"Thank you, ndoda. I'll see you tomorrow," she says, ending the call.

"Ma really lacks phone etiquette," he complains while shaking his head.

I giggle. I know how much it bothers him when you end a call yet he's the one who called you.

We pull up in front of Thando's house and dash inside the house, avoiding to delay us.

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