Chapter Seventy-Seven

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"Oh, James. You really know how to turn a girl on," I teased. Then I leaned in and quickly kissed him on the cheek before pulling away and sitting while facing him directly and offering a slew of theories before he had the chance to speak again, "Are they the same person? How did you find out? What is she currently doing? She must work for a larger organization, right?"

"Rhea, you've got to let me get a word in," James laughed. "They aren't the same person."

"Damn." It made sense. Cybill and Eris seemed to be working at the same time, but the thought of only having to fight one bad guy felt really nice. Still if Cybill and Eris weren't the same person then why did they come out of nowhere at the exact same time. To me, if they aren't one and the same, then they had to be working together, "So are they—"

"Rhea." James shook his head and laughed even further. Then he tried to speak as fast as he could, "They do seem to be working together. We're unsure if they are part of a larger organization or just two very powerful witches concurrently taking over the world. While damage has been done to Veridara and the surrounding areas, Eris has slowed down significantly. The theory is that she may be scared to push the fight past that point or that there are other cities starting to prepare for war, and she has to strategize or gain more power before attempting to expand any further. Coralis has a wide network of people above ground keeping the king apprised of the situation."

"That's," I paused. Right now, I had the most information since my own attack. From SPT and getting my powers back to information on Eris and Cybill, I knew so much and so little at the same time. I was happy to understand more of what was happening, but I still wished for more clarity. I continued, "Helpful, but I was hoping for more answers...In everything."

"I don't blame you." James reached out and offered a hand on my own. "Eris seems to be keeping her headquarters in Veridara and has gained a following. Cybill is doing the same in Silverleaf. As far as we know, nothing else happened around the world, but we could be wrong. It's not a direct answer, but it's something."

"No, I get it." I nodded. "Don't get me wrong. But we don't even know where to begin with any of the SPT stuff. Plus, it doesn't really explain why they are doing this. Why kill so many people? Why not take over the entire world? What's stopping them from using unimaginable powers they probably already possess? I guess I'm more confused than anything else. The more answer I get the more questions I have."

"Then let's get your powers back," he offered, his tone confident, as if it would be easy. Maybe it would be, with someone like James making the potion. I smiled and the returning smile on his face indicated that he succeeded in making me happy, as if it were his goal.

"And how will you do that? You don't have a recipe or even know where to begin. The book doesn't even mention a potion, Callisto did. Oh, I guess we could just ask Callisto."

"I'm going to ask someone even better."

"Who? Est?" I laughed. She'd be the only one with just as much knowledge as Callisto on the potion needed to get my powers back. Est or...

"No," he confidently shot me down. Then he said exactly who I was thinking, "My mom." 

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